House of ZETA’s Short Film “Stories By Her” focuses on ‘the Dire Situation of Women’ | Watch on BN TV
To kickstart activism for the elimination of violence against women, House of ZETA has premiered a new short film “Stories By Her“, which is based on true events and focuses on the stories of 5 different women.
“Stories By Her”, directed by the award-winning Damilola Orimogunje and written by Chidera Muoka, casts a spotlight on the dire situation of women, as true stories of violence women have faced in 2021 inspired the short film, according to House of ZETA.
Globally, one in four girls experiences sexual abuse. This situation gets dire as 27% of women between the ages of 15 – 49 have been abused by their partners worldwide, and about 736 million have experienced violence in their life.
These situations are of concern, as many cases go unreported and under-reported. Our best chance of changing the current narrative and realities of women is to use the tools of storytelling.
Although their stories have different outcomes, each as heartbreaking as the other, it shows how there is a brief respite for women in a world where they have to navigate around these dangers and possibilities of assault.
Watch the short film below: