Embark on an Enchanted Journey with Cartoon Networks New Series, We Baby Bears
Get ready to fall in love with We Baby Bears, a spin-off of Cartoon Network Studios’ all-time favorite animated series, We Bare Bears. The enchanted journey follows three bear siblings, Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear – as their younger baby selves – traveling up, up, and far away in a magical box to fantastic new worlds in search of a place to call home. Along the way, they meet new friends, learn a few lessons, and discover that ‘home’ can be wherever they are, as long as they’re together.
From Grizz, the leader and life of the party, to Panda, whose heart is as big as his love for his phone, and Ice Bear, the mega-talented and youngest of the bunch: each of our bear bros has a funny and bold personality, and they are always there for each other when things get… a little crazy.
We Bare Bears director, Manny Hernandez, returns as executive producer to bring his creative vision to life in the newest iteration of the sibling cubs’ arrival. “Manny’s admiration for anime and music comes to life in this fresh, new expansion of a beloved franchise,” said Tom Ascheim, President, Warner Bros. Global Kids, Young Adults and Classics (GKYAC). “The spectacular landscapes and musical inspirations transform this new series into an unforgettable journey for all We Bare Bears’ fans and beyond”.
The new series started airing on Cartoon Network Africa on Friday, April 15th, at 10:10 CAT with an Easter Weekend special featuring your favorite Bear Bros, Big and Small. They followed the story of the brother bears in “We Bare Bears” The Movie.
On Saturday the 16th and Sunday the 17th they brought special “We Bare Bears” episodes featuring the “Baby Bears”. To conclude the exciting weekend, the first two episodes of “We Baby Bears” were premiered on Sunday at 11:00 CAT. Fans can tune in every weekday from Monday, April 18th at 16:35 CAT for more We Baby Bears fantasy, fun, and adventure.
So, join the baby bears on their colorful and exciting escapades every weekday from Monday, April 18th @ 16:35 CAT as they party with piñatas, sail the seas with pirates and teleport back to the medieval age to live like kings.
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