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#TaxDidIt: How LASEMA makes Lagos work

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The Lagos Cosmopolitan city is growing at a quick and steady pace. Business owners and residents are pleased with the new and improved infrastructure that has been put in place to enable them go about their daily activities with the ease that in the past was only experienced outside the shores of the country.

This campaign will also sensitize and engage Lagosians on the different taxation bodies responsible for the collection of these taxes.

One perfect case study that shows how tax payer’s money is being utilized is LASEMA. LASEMA is a rescue body that is very responsive. Lagos has to be compassionate with a quick response time for people in need. LASEMA provides services to ensure that all kinds of disasters and emergencies like broken down trucks on the highway, fire disasters, road accidents and lots more are taken care of.

Just dial 112 or 767 to see what your tax can do when such need arises.

How do we keep such wonderful services working for Lagosians? Please pay your Tax to keep the Lagos dream alive.

Please visit here for more.

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