The finale for hit Shonda Rhimes series “Scandal” premiered yesterday night. Some fans of the show got a special opportunity to attend a live stage reading...
The Scandal cast took the stage to host a panel at The Paley Center For Media’s 34th Annual PaleyFest Los Angeles held at Dolby Theatre on Saturday (March 26) in...
Actress Kerry Washington rocked a stunning Dolce & Gabbana poppy printed dress to the premiere of HBO Films’ “Confirmation” movie, for which she is the lead actress...
We’ve seen the Entertainment Weekly’s 2015 Upfront Presentation event, BET 2015 Upfront Presentation event as well as FOX’s 2015 Upfront Presentation event and now it’s time for ABC’s 2015...
Entertainment Weekly and PEOPLE held a celebration of The New York Upfronts at The Highline Hotel on May 11, 2015 in New York City and the...
Cast memebers of hit ABC series Scandal stepped out yesterday for the ATAS event at the Directors Guild of America on May 1, 2015 in Los...
Every year Elle Magazine celebrates women in television with a grand event and this year the magazine hosted several female Hollywood stars. Celebrities like Lena Dunham, Nina...
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