In a revealing interview, Temidayo Makanjuola and Isioma Osaje, the creative masterminds behind the highly anticipated season 5 of “MTV Shuga Naija,” give an inside look...
The seventh episode of the thrilling MTV Shuga Naija Season 5 has been released. In this episode, “Nasir and Simi finally talk to clear the air,...
Episode four of the new and thrilling MTV Shuga Naija (Season 5) has been released. In this episode, Things don’t go as planned for Simi &...
Episode 3 of the new MTV Shuga Naija (season 5) is finally here. In this episode, Sheila struggles with funding for Y-Hub, while Simi worries about...
Episode two of the thrilling MTV Shuga Naija Season 5 has been released. In this episode, Madu and Cece insist Moh must marry Sopuru, but she...
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