At the just concluded 2018 AFRIFF Globo Awards, two unexpected films by young filmmakers took home the Best Nigerian film(Delivery Boy) and the Audience Prize(Kasala). Delivery Boy(2018), a...
How real is that Picture Perfect Couple? 2 Can Play follows the life a couple who seem to love each other, but behind closed doors, everything...
She will give you a night to remember for a price, but at what cost? Honey is a short film written and directed by Olu Yomi...
This year’s Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner will feature another Nigerian short Film “Erased“. In “Erased”, Grace is a young married woman in Lagos, Nigeria...
There’s love and then there’s LOVE! “Kryptonite” was written and directed by Olu Yomi Ososanya. It was was produced by Seun Ajayi, starring Michael Switch,Angela Adiele and...
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