The premiere of AY Makun’s “Merry Amen 3: Nemesis” took place on October 12, 2023, in Lagos, amidst glitz and glamour. The film, the third instalment...
In 2017, we featured the wedding of fashion designer Omoniyi Makun, also known as Yomi Casual, and his sweetheart Grace. Now, five years later, the couple...
Designer Yomi Casual and his fashion entrepreneur wife Grace have welcomed their first child together, a daughter named Kahley. The proud dad shared the exciting news...
Omoniyi Makun popularly known as Yomi Casual and his sweetheart Grace Onuoha tied the knot two weeks ago in a romantic fairytale outdoor ceremony which then transitioned to a...
Fashion designer Omoniyi Makun popularly known as Yomi Casual got engaged to his long-time girlfriend Grace yesterday at the Funnybone Untamed II comedy show in Eko Hotel &...
On Sunday 29th July 2012, Omoniyi Makun – creative director of budding Nigerian label – Yomi Casual, opened his label’s flagship store in Lagos. The store launch...
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