Every day, new standards are set on the internet: You don’t go on a date in native attire. Don’t date if you don’t have money. How...
Skinny Girl in Transit broke my heart by taking a long hiatus but I quietly nursed my wounds and moved on. So when they announced this...
I enjoy watching Nollywood movies. One is because I am a firm believer in nurturing our own – whether or not it is perfect. The growth...
I have seen videos of racism online, where white people tell Black people, particularly Africans, “go back to your country, go back to where you came...
Life is tough but when you are an unmarried, African woman, it is tougher. You keep getting constant reminders from society about the supposedly “biological clock”...
People say that the world is coming to an end. That it is fraught with disasters and now overrun with immorality. They say our fathers were...
I had a weird encounter with a lady last week in the marketplace and it again showed why many women are ashamed of their monthly periods...
In many cultures around the world, there are expectations for men to be unbreakable – to “man up” and be tough. As a result, expressing feelings...
By spreading such misinformation, religious leaders unwittingly set-up their congregation for frustration, as the congregation proceeds to base their lives on non-existent, unworkable principles made up...
It was indeed a beautiful sight to behold. One phrase stood out to me, captivating me even more than the act itself. As she held onto...
Society has wickedly and conveniently set an acceptable age limit on achievements; and because we are not used to challenging norms and man-made traditions, we have...
Technically speaking a body is no more that an arrangement of organic molecules with the odd elements like calcium here and there. But when it comes...
When I was 6 years old, my mom and I drove past a busy market and I saw what appeared to be a large object on...
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