Under her two-year first-look deal with Sony Pictures Television, Emmy-nominated actress and comedian, Yvonne Orji is set to develop a series based on the novel “Transcendent...
“Insecure” star and comedian, Yvonne Orji has signed a two-year first-look deal with American television production and distribution studio, Sony Pictures Television. The deal means that...
Mary Waireri’s series “Exiles” has been selected for development by Àlọ́, a platform set up by Mo Abudu’s EbonyLife and Sony Pictures Television to facilitate the stories...
Happy weekend BNers! It’s been an exciting week, and a lot has gone down from the movies, music and lifestyle to recognitions, events, love, fashion, features...
In 2021, EbonyLife inked many partnerships with worldwide brands ranging from Netflix, Universal Pictures, to Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith’s Westbrook Studios, as well as...
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