Popular talk show host, Funmi Iyanda’s new film, “Walking With Shadows” premiered at the BFI London film festival. Movie stars and media personalities Zainab Balogun-Nwachukwu, Funlola...
The highly-anticipated “Walking with Shadows”, a movie produced by veteran talk show host, Funmi Iyanda in collaboration with The Initiative for Equal Rights (TIERs), premieres today...
All of Nollywood is presently abuzz with the release of the trailer for the long-gestating film, Walking with Shadows. Adapted from the awarding winning 2005 novel...
The official trailer for Funmi Iyanda‘s movie, “Walking With Shadows”, is out. Walking With Shadows, an adaptation of Jude Dibia‘s 2005 novel, will premiere at the...
A Funmi Iyanda-produced movie “Walking with Shadows“ is set for world premiere at the 2019 BFI London Film Festival. The movie is an adaptation of Jude...
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