What’s up? As always, I hope u had a great week! Mine was good….just work, work and more work! I am not even feeling well today but I still have to go to…you guessed it…work!!!
So what’s new? Did anyone do anything exciting? Travel somewhere exotic? Meet your future love…lol? Fill us in!
I am really grateful for this year so far tho! Everything has been going really well and I really thank God!
Anyways, here is Weekend Luv – The Twice As Nice Edition.
Feels Good 2 B Home
I genuinely like this blog! I love it when people blog about things they are clearly passionate about….she features a lot of exclusive nollywood pics and info as well as other African entertainment topics. Check on it!
Ms Nu Booty
Interesting blog. She doesn’t shy away from any hot topics….I might not really agree with some of the opinions but that is why I luv it and love blogs in general….we can just agree to disagree!
What’s Hot
Cranberry introduces us to the ‘Front Row Girl’. HOT!
I am highly surprised that no one told me that there was a Nigerian chick on the last edition (Season 2) of Britain’s Next Top Model. Nigerians are usually on top of things when it comes to identifying our people…lol.
Anyways, Georgina Edewor Thorley is actually Nigerian/British; she participated in the Season 2 of Britain’s Next Top Model. She was actually one of the favourites but was eliminated about half way through the season. I watched the show recently and I have to say that she did well! She was really friendly and didn’t try to be too ‘extra’ for the cameras like some of the other girls. In case u are wondering, Georgina grew up in Lagos and has a twin sister named Kessiana.
Here are some of her pics from the show.
Beyonce and J-Lo donate their jewellery to ‘Raise Your Right Hand Ring for Africa’ program. Beyonce personally decided to have her $10,000 donation directed towards Toyin Subair’s Link-A-Child Foundation (Website & Blog) . She visited orphanages which benefit from Link-A-Child during her trip to Nigeria in October 2006 and is honouring her promise to continue supporting the cause.
I think it’s commendable that she is buttressing her words with actions.
While we are on the topic of Beyonce, can someone explain this her armpit-baring new pose. The thing is rather serious! I like to call it the ‘ori mi oooo’ pose lol
Watch out this pose on facebook tho…I know some Nigerian girls will see it and just have to ‘give them’ lol
See Pics:
Here are some more pics from Ozwald Boateng at the CatWalk the World – Fashion For Food show in Ghana.
Luv it!
Ozwald is the hotness!

Here are the songs I am feeling right now!
I really hope that listening to these encourages u to listen to Nigerian music and support the artists by buying their albums.
Nigerian musicians are on the grind! They are really delivering with some top-notch tunes. Anyway if you don’t have these albums make sure u buy them ASAP
FaZe – Independent – This album is 100% amazing!
Ruggedman’s new album – the one with Club Rugged and Ruggedy Album…luv it!
2Face – Grass 2 Grace – Slamming!
I’ll have some more recommended albums next week!
Infinity – Olori Oko
This song is absolutely amazing!
The vocals are on point, the lyrics are meaningful, what more can I say.
Infinity is a really talented group! They performed at the Future Awards about a week ago and blew everyone away with their talent! Their album is definitely worth buying.
FaZe – Letter To My Brother
This is such a heartfelt song! We can all guess who it is directed towards….
I just feel this song! Give it a couple of listens and I’m sure u’ll feel it too….
Wow! FaZe has really blown me away with this new album – it’s a classic! Buy it!
Thanks naija-man
*If you want these songs, download them now as I will not reupload or email them. Thanks.
Anyways, have a fabulous weekend!
Stay blessed.