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Men in Turkey Support Women’s Rights By Wearing Miniskirts in #ozgecanicinminietekgiy Campaign

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Turkey Mini 1It’s always great to see men campaigning to support women’s rights. Men in Turkey are taking it one step further by wearing miniskirts to express their solidarity with women in the #ozgecanicinminietekgiy campaign, which has gone viral.

The horrific murder of a 20-year-old Turkish woman, Ozgecan Aslan, sparked the movement, CNN reports. Aslan reportedly fought off a man who was trying to sexually assault her. The man subsequently burned her body, and dumped it on a riverbed, next to a cemetery.

Aslan’s murder is seen as a symbol of the rising trend of violence against women in Turkey.

As a result, Turkish men are showing their support for women’s rights in the streets of Turkey, and also on social media. The Twitter hashtag #ozgecanicinminietekgiy has been trending. Men are taking photos of themselves in miniskirts, holding up a sign that states #ozgecanicinminietekgiy.

Here are some pictures from the campaign:

Turkey 2



Photo Credit: Twitter/CNN/AFP/Getty Images

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