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Explore, with your Mind

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Hi guys!

There has been a lot of debate in the psycology space as to whether mind wandering is a good or bad thing.

Mind wandering, is allowing the mind to explore things in the past, present or future, different from the activity one is engaging in.

Mind wandering is most times placed side by side with Mindfulness, which is focusing your awareness on the task or activity at hand.

While some researchers say it distracts us from getting the task in front of us done well, what is also worthy of note is that it leads to idea generation and creativity.

Research says mind wandering occurs when your brain sees itself as being at rest. The brain, research say, also wanders as a means of multi-tasking, especially when the activity at hand is not using that much of the brain’s resources. Example, an experienced driver driving on a traffic-free highway may start thinking about several things and after a while, see himself driving into the parking lot of his destination.

Two things to note:

* Train your mind to pay attention and be mindful of the activity at hand.

* Don’t be afraid to allow your mind wander, you may just have an Eureka moment. So, you can put “Mind Wandering” in your to-do list.

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