I gave up a $6000 a month job because I wasn’t fulfilled – Mr Eazi | WATCH
Musician Mr Eazi was the guest on Beat FM’s “The Morning Rush” on Wednesday, where he discussed what he’s been up to lately, as well as his beginnings.
Asked how he started his journey into the music industry, Mr Eazi relayed his story of returning from Ghana to settle in Nigeria.
He got a job in Port Harcourt, he said, in the Oil and Gas industry. He ended up leaving the $6000 a month job because he was frustrated and wasn’t feeling fulfilled.
A particular dawning moment for him was when a boss of his was left by his wife. Mr Eazi said he felt at the end of the day, even the money they earned didn’t matter.
When he left the job, he returned to Lagos to sell phones in Computer Village. He said:
Everybody in my house thought like, I lost it. My mum, she started having special prayers.
Everything worked out well, it seems, as he now shuts down venues all over the world.
See the full interview below: