Listen to Anii’s Debut Album “Evergreen”
Following the success of songs like “God Bless Us All”, “Shine”, “Kampe” and “Tohio”, emerging female music star Anita Egbe Igbinovia professionally known as Anii comes through with her debut album “Evergreen”. Anii totally summarizes the dreams and aspirations of every Nigerian in one fantastic body of work that is the “Evergreen” album, with all tracks produced, mixed and mastered by Ramzy for Evergreen Entertainment.
Anii starts off the album on a perfect note with the beautifully crafted “One Nigeria”, a song that talks about the unity amongst diverse cultures in Nigeria, preaching love and harmony. “Almost” is a song that encourages Nigerians to achieve greatness irrespective of the situation as excuses don’t nick it. On the 3rd track “Boom-Bang”, Anii addresses the situation of violence in the country and the need for everyone to come together in order to stop the menace eating into our society.
She closes the curtain on the “Evergreen” album with the 12th track “God Bless Us All”, a deep and emotional prayerful song aimed at Nigerians at home and abroad.
Stream the album below: