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A Psychotherapist’s 5 Tips to Protect Yourself from the Effects of Constant Sad News

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It’s been one sad news after the other in Nigeria in the last few days and these can have adverse effects on our mental health if we continue to consume them.

In this short Twitter thread, psychotherapist Dedoyin Ajayi shared some tips to keep you grounded during these times. She wrote:

Refrain From Unnecessary Arguments About the Country:
A lot of people are going through the worst level of frustration and anger beyond their wildest imaginations and they’re looking for someone to make their scapegoat. Don’t be that scapegoat.

If You’re Not Mentally Up to it, Don’t Encourage Conversations About the State of insecurity:
Aimlessly talking about it would only heighten your anxiety and trigger feelings of hopelessness and you already have enough things to worry about. Preserve your energy.

For This Week At Least, Mute Words Like “Gunmen”, “Bandits”, “Fulani Herdsmen”, “Bloody” etc.
It’s also okay to mute accounts that are constantly talking about the heightened distress in the country as well as those who post gory videos. Save yourself from vicarious trauma.

Check On Your Loved Ones:
Don’t get so immersed with the current political clime that you lose touch with reality. Stay in touch with those close to your heart. It’s a tragic thing to say; but nothing is assured anymore. So please reach out to them.

Now More Than Ever, Reduce Your Screen Time:
Fight the compulsion to stay online 24/7, scrolling through one bad news after another.
Take lots of walks, drink lots of water, make silent plans, and don’t stop hoping. May you live long enough to tell a different story.

See the thread below:

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