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A Peek Into the Life Of…Head of a Non-Profit Organisation – Jennifer Mairo Akporehe

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We made a call for BellaNaija readers to be a part of a new exciting feature, titled ‘A Peek Into The Life Of‘ which the Features Team has been working on. {Click here if you missed it} We’ve been very excited by the feedback we’ve received and we’re happy with the submissions we’ve been receiving. It feels so good to get to know our readers better – what they do, and what makes them going in their individual careers. Our first feature was an actor,{click here if you missed it} and we followed up with a communications head . Today, we’re showcasing the head of a non-profit organization.

*ding ding ding*

Meet Jennifer Mairo Akporehe!

Job Title
President Pamela Erere Foundation (PEF). A non-profit organization with headquarters in Dallas TX and beneficiaries in Nigeria.

What I do specifically
Ensure that the PEF is running smoothly, adhering to set laws while helping to shape and change the lives of Nigerian single moms, divorced women, widows and their children

Core Responsibilities

  • Approving PEF’s set mission
  • Reviewing management’s performance in achieving this mission
  • Reviewing and approving funding plans, financial goals and the annual budget
  • Ensuring PEFs strategic direction is set, reviewed and modified as appropriate through a system of long range planning
  • Ensuring a system of best practices in risk management is in place and followed
  • Ensuring a system of executive and voluntary talent development is in place and that staffing includes the individuals necessary to maintain PEF’s standards
  • Ensuring major organizational goals are set, measured, reviewed and that leadership is held accountable
  • Ensuring accountability and the highest ethical standards for PEF
  • Meeting with potentials sponsors and partners and explaining the goal of the PEF and how they can fit in with the overall goal of the organization
  • Approving annual charity event themes, locations, budget etc.
  • Reviewing the shortlisted applications for beneficiaries in Nigeria and ensuring that aid is delivered to those who qualify for such benefits.

How Long At This Positiom:
4 years

The joy of this position is the ability to have the opportunity to help women and children who do have any male figures in their lives. As a product of a broken marriage, I found that this area is one that is rapidly becoming popular but also one in which the women and children lack any form of support or aid. I have lived it, I understand it (though I never required help from any outside source) the thought that a woman or child could be stranded scares the crap out of me. PEF can now provide a means for these women to thrive and pursue a more rewarding life.- yummy!

Sometimes there is not enough funding to cater to all the women and children that submit applications to us, also the hassle that goes into reviewing each application, calling potential beneficiaries myself and understanding their specific needs is somewhat time consuming amidst my other jobs (OD Consulting, Mom, Blogger, Writer). I have staffers who now shortlist the applications and I call from that group and not call every last applicant like I used to. Sigh!

If you weren’t doing this, what would you be doing?
If I were not managing the Pamela Erere Foundation (PEF), I would be a practicing attorney or perhaps a paid traveler (dead serious)

On a scale of 1-10, how would you grade your skill set at this job?
Scale of 1-10? I would modestly say 9 because I believe there is always room to learn.

JA-FIRST-PAGE-sizedI’m living my career dream. Yes? No?
Living my career dream? Yes, 100%

How awesome is it that Jennifer is living her career dream? 5 stars, guys! Let’s take a closer look at her daily routine.

Daily Routine
Wake up, pray, do morning pages from the artist’s way by Julia Cameron (where I write down 3 pages of my raw thoughts), get ready for work
Meditate on my way to work (to a Deepak Chopra podcast) silently in the car unless mom calls me and distracts my flow lol, access my daily calendar and read emails
Meetings, Conference Calls, More meetings
Meetings, eat breakfast, conference calls
Meeting with staffers and management
Meet with potential partner or sponsor on location or via skype, narrate the current needs of the PEF and how their partnership and or sponsorship is needed (nail such meetings 9 out of 10 times) just saying lol!
5pm- 7pm
Attend Dallas events for which I have been invited (trust me this happens daily)
Yoga, Dinner, Kids homework, conference calls
Read a book, catch up with hubby, post on blog
join conference calls with international clients usually in Europe and Asia (time difference palaver).
End of day.

We’re so inspired by the work Jennifer is doing with the foundation. Learn more about the Pamela Erere Foundation (PEF) on and @pefhelp on Twitter. For more about Jennifer Mairo Akporehe visit and @jennifermairo on Instagram and Twitter
