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Open Marriage?! Oscar-Winning Actress Mo’Nique & her husband reveal How They Make it Work

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It has been a few years since Oscar winner Mo’Nique revealed that she and her husband, Sidney Hicks have an open marriage.

In a 2007 New York Times profile, she mentions that she and Hicks have an open marriage:

“We have an agreement that we’ll always be honest, and if sex happens with another person, that’s not a deal breaker for us, that’s not something where we’ll have to say, ‘Oh God, we’ve got to go to divorce court because you cheated on me.’ Because we don’t cheat.”

She repeated this view later on the January 28, 2008 episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show. She told Oprah that in her prior marriages, she was constantly searching for “that extra oomph”. Mo’Nique explained,

“When I said I had an open marriage, people automatically jumped to sex. They automatically went there. But I’ve been best friends with my husband since we were 14 years old. When we say open, we’re very honest. There are no secrets. Oftentimes you have people that are married, but they’re strangers, and we refuse to be those people”. She concluded, “I’ve had to sneak and I’ve had to lie, and I don’t want to do that any more. But my husband is so awesome and so fine and so—oh, girl….No other man can compare”

In a new interview with TV Show “The Preachers“, Mo’Nique reveals that the open marriage was her idea!
She explained that most people assumed the open marriage was her husband’s idea because she was a “big woman” with a “handsome man”.

Mo’Nique says that “I’m is an entertainer…and there may be times when I feel like being with other men”.

On her husband’s reaction after she posed the idea of an open marriage over 10 years ago, she said;

“My best friend (husband) said to me, ‘Mama, I’ve loved you since the 10th grade. Do you think you being with another man is going to have anything to do with me loving you? Then he said, do you know if you can be with other men, I can be with other women?’ That’s not what I meant now. But it was my idea because I wanted to be open and honest with the person I was going to spend the rest of my life with.”

Hosted by John Gray, Dr. E Dewey Smith Jr., Orrick Quick and Dr. Jamal Bryant, THE PREACHERS is an all-new talk show featuring four dynamic and outspoken preachers who are known for their electrifying and unique takes on pop culture, news events and spirituality.

It’s interesting that the co-host (Jamal Bryant) who is a Pastor made a joke about how he “had an open relationship with his wife but she did not know…” That led to the breakup of his marriage. You can watch the story below.

Back to Mo’Nique and Sidney, the couple have been married for 10 years and are blessed with 2 children from their relationship. BNers, over to you!

Additional Info Source: Wiki
