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Omoyele Sowore Accuses Lagos CP Fatai Owoseni of Being Part of a “Conspiracy” to Kill Him

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Omoyele Sowore

SaharaReporters publisher, Omoyele Sowore has said that the Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Fatai Owoseni was part of a conspiracy to kill him.

Sowore made this known in a statement on his Facebook page after he was arrested and released on Wednesday.

Sowore said that one Lekan Fatodu, who announced that he had gotten him (Sowore) arrested, had planned with his friend to kill him in the Ikeja area of Lagos.

He said that the attempt was resisted by the public, following which the police showed up with a petition it received alleging”criminal defamation”. He said:

I am now safely out of the labyrinth of a police conspiracy centred around one Lekan Fatodu whom, in January 2016, we reported on SaharaReporters, had been involved in laundering money for Femi Fani-Kayode.

On Wednesday, Lekan and a friend of his referred to as “Ándre” waylaid me at GRA Ikeja and tried to kill me. The attempt was resisted by the public, following which he showed up later with a police van from Area “F” police with a plain cloth police team. As it turned out, Commissioner of the Lagos State Police Command, Fatai Owoseni was part of the conspiracy, as he pulled out a petition alleging “criminal defamation” against me, got upset when I questioned his position and impartiality, and threatened to deal with me.

Even in the days of General Abacha, I did not experience that brazen partiality.

My attack by Fatodu was organized with the police, but as they were unable to arrest me directly, he was given the cover to carry out an attack that would give the police their needed tonic to take vengeance on me. The situation wasn’t better when I was hurled before Lagos CP, Owoseni and later, Frank Mba, who started a winding story claiming it was a messy case.

I was asked to sign for my bail on Self Recognizance, but I declined, insisting I had not been arrested by the police and were that the case, that I preferred to be booked and shown an arrest warrant. After a short argument, I was let go without signing a bail bond, but was asked to return to the Panti Police Station on Thursday at 2PM.

I wish to thank all Nigerians and others who have reached out to me over this saga. I am grateful to Peter Claver Oparah, Temitope Gomez and Inibehe Effiong who served last night as my lawyer, as well as the construction workers at Isaac John Street who came out to defend me from what could have been a fatal attack.

I will return to Panti on Thursday as requested, to confront the police over the case. Rest assured that I’ve always prepared for things of this nature; this in the course of my self-appointed duty as a conscience of the public. If you have spare time tomorrow, meet me at the SCID at Panti at 2PM. There is no retreat and no surrender.
