The Indigo Sky Fashion Experience by Sabali is taking place at the Dunes Center featuring a unique showcase of “indigo” themed pieces designed by Abuja’s fast emerging young designers. This...
The Dunes Center welcomed special guests to their Fashion Exhibition and Cocktail event that took place on Saturday, February 25th 2017 on the newly opened Nigerian Floor, a space that welcomes both emerging and...
Nollywood Actress and female brand ambassador to the Dunes Center, Lilian Esoro took a humanitarian trip to Maitama General Hospital in Abuja on Friday, 24th February 2017 donating medical supplies courtesy of the Dunes...
Dunes Center is a luxury mall situated in the heart of Abuja Nigeria, on the 10th of December 2016, the mall hosted the general public, celebrities,...
Dunes Center is a luxury mall situated in the heart of Abuja Nigeria. Come 10th of December 2016, the mall will host the general public, celebrities,...
Iyanya wants you to sleep well tonight and he has just released new photos specially for his fans. The photos were shot by Prince Meyson with...
A couple of weeks ago Nollywood actress and mum-to-be Lilian Esoro-Franklin was unveiled as the brand ambassador for Dunes Center in Abuja and now the official...
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