Frame Eye TV has released new episodes of the thrilling experimental mini-series titled “High.” Written and directed by Russel Oru, the series follows “Jeremiah Aka Sweet...
Adekunle Gold has released a brand new single titled “5 Star,” produced by Kel P. This song is a follow-up to his fourth studio album, “Catch...
Adekunle Gold has released his highly anticipated album titled, “Catch Me If You Can“. This is a follow-up to his last body of work, “Afropop Vol....
It’s almost here! Adekunle Gold‘s highly anticipated “Catch Me If You Can,” album is finally dropping on Friday, on February 4, and we really can’t wait....
It was a night of jaw-dropping performances and lyrical excellence at Patoranking‘s “Big Name” concert, organised by Toro Entertainment Company on December 26, 2021, at the...
Afrobeats singer-songwriter Adekunle Gold finally made his first attempt at ELLE’s “Song Association“, and it was medal-worthy! In this episode, he sings John Legend, Rihanna, and...
Adekunle Gold released the music for “High,” which features Davido, a few hours ago, and the song has received positive feedback from fans and critics alike....
Adekunle Gold is back with a new tune, this time, he collaborates with DMW frontier, Davido on the new single titled “High“. Produced by Pheelz, mix...
‘High‘ @highonstage is an original, contemporary stage play which tackles the issues surrounding substance abuse amongst teenagers in a social media-obsessed world. With over 40% of...
Singer and songwriter Stidman is out with yet another single titled “High.” The song, which was produced by ViceBeatz, was mixed and mastered by Ipitch.
A fresh and positive sound and video from Bez with this new music video titled “High“. It speaks about his past and how he has evolved. He...
“They are calling her the African Beyoncé! She has the voice, the moves and the looks to take the world by storm.” – MOBO Although she’s...
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