Kenya’s Giraffe Africa Production Ltd in association with Startimes Kenya Ltd is releasing a fun new web series “Sincerely, Daisy.” The series, in a mix of...
Giraffe Africa Productions presents ‘You Again’, starring Mimi Mars, Nick Mutuma, Amalie Chopetta, Morris Mwangi, Lenana Kariba and many others. The movie is produced and directed by...
In the two-part season finale of This is It, the Mwendas exchange heartfelt letters to mark their first year anniversary and two real-life young couples – The...
Okay, this is an emotional episode! Just a few weeks to their first wedding anniversary, Tee and Dede experience a rude shocker and begin a new...
On a new episode of This is it, worried about Tee‘s recent mood and behaviour, Dede mysteriously sets him up for a therapy session with the crazy...
On a new episode of This is it, the Mwendas come through for their best friends, Sam and Kerry, in a way that redefines the meaning...
On episode 4 of This is it, Dede has got herself in a different kind of trouble! She must get herself out of it and Tee must NEVER...
The two-part mini-series This is It is back with season 2! The series is focused on the first year of the young, clueless newlyweds Tomide played by Nick Mutuma and Dede played by Chiagoziem Nwakanma....
The two-part mini-series This is It is back with season 2! The series is focused on the first year of the young, clueless newlyweds Tomide played...
The ABS show is out with a new countdown and on this list, they are ranking the 20 most eligible bachelors in Africa. From Ghana’s John...
Hey BellaNaijarians! My name is Stephanie Okafor and I’m a blogger at and I had the amazing opportunity to represent BellaNaija at the London premiere of MTV...
An irresponsible teen mom, a predatory teacher, an ambitious hostess, a conflicted adolescent struggling to understand his identity, a neglected trophy wife, a pregnant schoolgirl, a...
The 2017 Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards happened Saturday night and the red carpet was on fire that night at the Eko Hotel Convention Center! All...
Talented actors, Emmanuel Ikubese and Adesua Etomi are joining the likes of Vanessa Mdee, Thuso Mbedu, Mohau Mokoatle Cele, Jezriel Skei, Nick Mutuma as part of...
LowlaDeeTV’s ‘This is It’ makes us just love Tuesdays! On this episode, Dede has the pregnancy/baby phobia and tries to talk Tee out of having babies just yet!...
It’s Tuesday and yes it’s time of another Episode of LowlaDeeTV’s amazing series ‘This is it’! If you have managed to miss out on this series, click...
It’s another Tuesday and you know it’s time for another episode of LowladeeTV’s This is is It! Being a prude, Dede panics over Tomide’s ‘3rd Base’ fantasies...
You know him from MTV Shuga and most recently Lowladee’s series “This Is It” about a young couple trying to make things work through the first...
It’s Tuesday and you know what that means? Time for another episode of LowladeeTV’s This is is It! The honeymoon is over and things get more real....
Akah Nnani is out with a new episode of ‘Akah Bants’ and this time he is with ‘This is it’ Stars Nick Mutuma and Chiagoziem Nwakanma. He says:...
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