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Belinda Effah: Denrele Edun is one Person that doesn’t look Down on People Even When He Knows you are Just Starting from Scratch

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Denrele Edun, Belinda EffahDenrele Edun has been under a lot of fire recently on social media with a lot of his followers saying mean things about him.

In true Denrele fashion, he hasn’t let that get him down and instead simply retweeted all the harsh words. But Nollywood actress Belinda Effah has got nothing but positivity to say about Denrele.

In an interview with Sunnewsonline, she was asked who her favourite TV personality is and she mentioned Denrele Edun saying, ‘Yeah! I love Denrele Edun. He’s so much fun to be with. No dull moment with that dude. We actually used to work together and he encour­ages me a lot. He is one per­son that doesn’t look down on people even when he knows you are just starting from the scratch. He’s humble and I like him for that.’

See some of her other favourite things mentioned in the interview:

Favourite holiday spot: Ouch! I have not visited my favourite holiday spot yet but that would be Paris. For now, I just go to wherever I can go. But I hope to go to Paris someday.

Favou­rite food: Oh my God! I am a foodie. I don’t have one in particular, but I love afang soup. My colleagues all know that Belinda loves food a lot and I am just very choosy. I am a Calabar girl so I love my Calabar foods like edikang-ikong. I also love Igbo food and Yoruba meals too. Just give me amala and ewedu, and then a lot of meat. I love meat! (Laughs)

Favourite kind of music: I love anything soft. Soft pop, soft rock, R&B. I don’t like any hard kind of music.

You can read up her full interview here.
