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BN Health & Fitness: Fitness Resolutions In New Year with Adagurl

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New years resolutions are a challenge for me. No matter how intense my desire for change is, I find it difficult to end old habits overnight – and stick to it. And that leaves me with an unshakeable and crippling feeling of defeat.

I have noticed a similar trend over the years as a fitness instructor. January is peak season for gyms, as what we call the “new years resolutioners” flock in, filled with vigor, determination, and the best intentions. They have promised themselves to hit the gym HARD – Two hour workouts daily, gym visits 7 times a week, 5 mile runs everyday. By February, the gym population has thinned out noticeably, and within 12 weeks, volumes at the gym are back normal.

A few years back, I grew tired of the annual cycle of committing to too much all at once, and burning out within weeks. I replaced new years resolutions with annual goals, writing down all the habits I wanted to change, and breaking them down into realistic goals that I can achieve month by month.

And I encourage my new gym members to do the same. Rather than starting the year with a 2-hour-long session, try committing to a 5-minute workout for the first week and set up a plan to build on that throughout the month and year.

If you’re looking some direction on how to start, fresh ideas on new workouts, or great music to get you moving, try some of these fun and effective workouts set to some popular African beats including Shoki, Kcee’s Pullover, and Baby Oku by flavour. And remember: Fitness is a journey, not a destination.

Photo Credit:  Magazine Cut Photography

Ada-Ari uploads weekly workouts set to African music. She is a certified, Elite Group Fitness instructor based in Washington, D.C. Ada-Ari teaches, step, aerobics, HIIT, and weight training classes multiple times a week. She is also a soccer player. Other loves: God, music, Game of Thrones, family time....... And (the Kardashians)... Did I just say that out loud? Follow on Instagram: @ada_ari Subscribe on youtube. Channel: AdaAri Like on Facebook: AdaAri
