Fans of Wana Udobang’s Room 313, Get In Here! It’s Time to Check Out Naomi’s Story
Imagine our shock when we found out that our girl, and personal person Wana Udobang, has been holding out on us! Apparently there has been a new episode of Room 313 out there in the universe which she didn’t share with us. Not cool, Wana. Not cool!
But we forgive you, because we love Room 313 and its poignancy so very much. And of course, if we hold on to a grudge you won’t give us more goodness.
About Room 313
Room 313 is an experimental series created by Wana Udobang about people who have experienced trauma undergoing therapy, telling their stories through vignettes.
Anyway guys, we shall stop rambling at this point and let you get on with watching.
Naomi is played by Debby Aiyegbeni
If you are a newbie and you are just hearing about Room 313, watch previous editions HERE