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Opportunity Hub with Bola Lawal: Excuse Vs. Reason

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With regards to students and young entrepreneurs, for me neither excuse nor reason is permissible.

When we look at the multitude of issues facing the continent that needs to be fixed, the only thing permissible is RESULTS.

To put in proper context, Africa has major issues concerning Global warming, Poverty, Malnutrition, Illiteracy, Population, Sanitation and Water.
Most of these can and will only be solved by Africans.
This means our generation and those coming behind must put in the extra effort required, and thus no room for excuses nor reasons whatsoever.
Unfortunately, our current environment does not operate, or meet the urgency of the situation. Particularly, the education system, which I’d dedicate future posts to address. For now, I’d like to discuss the parallels between an excuse and a reason, and how youths can focus on a result driven mindset.

According to Leye Adetona of VeriCampus, “…. Reasons and Excuses both are results of our actions or inactions. The ‘Reasons’ we give are the results we get even after we have made considerable efforts. But we give ‘Excuses’ when we have not done all in our power, mostly because we are not motivated enough, a lack of drive”

The way I see it, “dog ate my homework” is an excuse, and “we got into a car accident that’s why I’m late” is a reason. These examples show a clear contrast. An excuse is a bogus expression of laziness; a reason is an unavoidable incident.

Conventional wisdom says one is acceptable, while the other is not. However, I’m of the opinion that soon as you begin to accept anything other than results, you begin to develop a bad habit that eventually leads to you giving and accepting excuses.

In my personal experience as a business professional abroad, and as an Africa focused Social Entrepreneur, it’s obvious that a result-oriented environment encouraged where meeting expectations is normal. It’s only when you significantly exceed them that you are celebrated.

On the other hand, in Africa if you barely meet what’s expected of you, you’re lauded. This is a big issue and a key reason for the current excuse culture we see with our youths that affects innovative thinking, productivity and growth.

To conclude, African youths should focus on productivity and time management; this will help them develop a mindset of getting things done. And like they say “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.”

Bola Lawal is a Social Entrepreneur and cofounder/CEO of (@scholarx Instagram), a social impact startup that developed a mobile and web platform that helps African youths access quality education through scholarships, tuition crowdfunding and training/workshops. Prior to ScholarX, he worked as a Business Consultant with companies such as ConocoPhillips, Accenture and Shell He’s recently been featured as a Speaker at conferences in the US, Africa and Europe, and across multiple local and foreign media platforms. Bola graduated from University of Houston with a degree in accounting where he was the Chapter president of Beta Alpha Psi
