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Moyo Mamora: Understanding Purpose

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Many super hero movies are rooted in existential themes – the narrative typically follows that of an individual living an ordinary life guided by certain superficial life. Suddenly the protagonist encounters a situation that upends their view of the world and consequently triggers an existential crisis. This crisis phase forces the protagonist to search within, and after many internal and external battles, instinctively awakens to a new concept of self. It is from this that the fullness of his or her potential is unleashed, and the protagonist consequently emerges victorious and dominant in the new normal.

As exaggerated as super hero feats are, we are often entertained and engaged by them. We connect with these personalities and storylines because they speak to our own deep seated crisis, as we explore the meaning of life and our role in it. The reality is that in every one of us is a super hero waiting to be born.

It all boils down to purpose – the “why?” for your life at this time – because a life lived purposefully is the unveiling of your own “super hero” story. Purpose in the heart of an individual is like a seed containing a specific DNA for your generation. Think of it as “destiny.” Not in the passive sense of “what will be will be,” and that nothing you do will change your life’s outcome. Rather it’s the idea that your ultimate role in your generation is fixed and it’s left to you to live up to the fullness of your calling. Like a seed needs to be planted, nurtured, and cultivated, so does the seed of purpose within.

Your purpose in life is much bigger than whatever image you have of yourself at the onset, and if you feel like you’ve already accomplished a lot, then consider the staggering thought that there remains much more. There’s a lot more to you than meets the imagination, because your purpose is divinely implanted, and its limits are not defined by the constraints of this world.

The seed nature of purpose is an expression of divine wisdom, because in all honesty if the fullness of purpose were to be revealed all at once, our minds will have difficulty comprehending and we may recoil in fear of the burden at hand. This is so because we often limit ourselves based on our experiences such that the true grandeur of our potential is significantly understated.

However, recognize that being born in this age, into a race, as a part of a family, in a particular country and town is no accident, but these all constitute the environment required to birth the “super hero” in each of us. No life experience is wasted in the journey towards the fulfillment of purpose; rather, it maximizes everything that makes you uniquely you. The moment we realize this and we embark on this journey, our life takes on a new meaning and our view of humanity changes. We suddenly become energized and alive like we’ve never lived before.

The obvious question at this point is “How do I find out what my purpose is?”

While there are loads of thoughts freely available on this, I’ll leave you with this: purpose is unveiled at the point where instinct meets with passion, catalyzed by divine direction. Instinct is the innate aptitude to use our natural gifts effectively, activated by promptings below the conscious level. Passion is that sense of urgency that is unique to us, driving us to “fix” something. Both instinct and passion require the right time and place serving as the launch-pad that’ll thrust us towards the fullness of purpose. Some are aware enough to pick up on where these interact and are fortunately well positioned for a strong start.

Taking a few steps back, rather than allow yourself get agitated by the need to discover purpose or get overwhelmed by the grandeur of the task at hand, focus on committing to leading a purposeful life. The fulfillment of purpose is a lifelong journey of service and overcoming obstacles which requires persistence to follow through on various commitments – continuous development of your skills and gifts, overcoming challenges, and relentless service to humanity. Don’t buy into the talent myth; identify your unique strengths and require that these innate gifts need to continuously be developed to the point of mastery because purposeful living is ultimately about serving your gifts for the benefit of your world, as such it requires death to self. Though often tempestuous, the journey builds in us the character and the capacity needed along the way.

Time is an equalizer for all men and each of us has lifetime to of choices to make. Understand that you’re never too young to begin living a purposeful life, as it’s the highest and best use of life. Choose to live a purposefully today and make the necessary commitments today.

If there were no limiting factors to consider, how could you based on your values use your talents and passions to serve your world?

Photo Credit: Dreamstime

Moyo Mamora has a personal goal to empower people to lead victorious lives! He is the author of Young & Purposeful: Discovering and fulfilling purpose early in life, and Power Points for Success. He runs a personal blog at You can connect on instagram @MoyoMamora, and facebook: @MoyoMamoraLive
