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Abacha’s ex CSO Hamza Al-Mustapha says he’ll run for President “if people say so”

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Major Hamza Al-Mustapha

Major Hamza Al-Mustapha, former Chief Security Officer of late Head of State General Sani Abacha has said that he’ll join the 2019 presidential race if Nigerians want him to, Premium Times reports.

He made this known in an interview shortly after a meeting with United Christian Leaders Eagle Eye Forum in Kaduna on Wednesday

“I am not going to announce myself contesting for a presidential seat, but if people say so, that is the wishes of the people. I am not a power tasty person, if I am, I would have lost my personality long before now, but when people gather to speak and the decision is by them, then it is a call to serve,” he said.
