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A Close Contact of Nigeria’s 3rd Coronavirus Case has Tested Negative

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On Tuesday, a third case of coronavirus was confirmed in Nigeria — a UK returnee who has been living with family members.

Now the president of Bird View Communications, Ayo Alaba Idowu has come out to disclose that one of the persons that came in contact with the lady is a staff of his organization, which promoted him to announce the suspension of business operation at their headquarters in Ikeja.

He said the decision was taken to keep his staff safe and also support the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

In an update, Ayo revealed that a test has been carried out on the staff, which turned out to be negative.

He wrote on his Instagram:

Today, I made a painful, but necessary, decision to suspend operations at our business head quarter in Ikeja for the next 15 days, and subject about 15 employees in the building to Coronavirus test and subsequent government quarantine or self-quarantine. This was after a staff was exposed to a family member that returned from U.K. on Saturday and tested positive to Coronavirus in the early hours of today. The person that tested positive had lived in the same house with our staff member between Saturday and early hours of today. .

Nigerian government reportedly traced the person to the Ogba address in the early hours of today, conducted the test and found out that the person was positive. Our immediate response to the situation was not to discriminate against the staff that was exposed, but to join hands to support the spread of the global pandemic situation. We are providing all possible supports to keep our people safe and fight COVID-19 together.

In the meantime, our business will mostly be remote, while our Lekki office will still welcome physical consultations. However, we will be putting up a notice that will advise a set of people, especially those who recently traveled in the last 14 days, to stay away from physical meetings and rather engage remotely or simply visit again after 14 days.


For me and my family, we just started a much-deserved one-month family vacation in Canada, but are already contemplating either cutting our trip short or staying much longer than planned. The truth is that both options come with their own risks and we have to do thorough assessment of the situation to determine which one has less exposure for us. We are taking COVID-19 very seriously and are doing everything possible to join hands to stop the spread. We also urge you to take it more seriously than you have ever imagined.

Stay safe and stay healthy.

Update on our COVID-19 Response:

In the wake of the notice received by our HR unit about a possible COVID-19 exposure among our staff, our business swung into extreme actions by placing the office building under lock and keys, suspending business operations, and subjecting all employees that could have been in contact with the staff to mandatory and monitored quarantine, separate from their families, till we received the result of the test carried out on the exposed staff. Our business had since been placed on emergency mode and was prepared for both best cases and worst cases. .

I can now confirm the bright development that our staff tested negative to the virus in the early minutes of today. While this sounds like a big relief to Nigeria and Nigerians, it is a testament to the pandemic nature of COVID-19, and should not be taken for granted by anyone and for any reason.

We extend our solidarity to everyone fighting the virus, especially our staff’s cousin who recently tested positive. We pray that they are blessed with the strength and fortitude to withstand the waiting time for the virus to run its course.

Going forward, we will be taking further precautionary measure to disinfect our Ikeja office building today, March 18, air it out tomorrow, and resume business as usual on Friday. We take health and safety very seriously and will stop at nothing to ensure that our staff and clients are at their tip-top always. .

Stay safe and stay healthy, as we work together to win COVID-19 together.
