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Twitter Users share their Heartbreak Experiences & They’re Quite…

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Heartbreak is never an easy thing and people react to it differently; some people automatically unlock hidden talents like music and poetry, some cry, some sleep it off, some move on like it never happened and some people just do the weirdest things.

Nigerians have taken to Twitter to share their heartbreak experiences; from relationships to friendships, football clubs and random things that have hurt them. While some of these experiences are really hilarious, they’re so relatable and well, heartbreaking.

The point is, heartbreaks are seriously rough stuff. The one consolation is, no matter how bad yours was, someone has probably had it worse. Don’t believe it?

Then check out these stories where folks shared stories of when they got their heartbroken, lessons learned, and how they moved past it.

You might need a box of tissues to get through these. Consider yourself warned!
