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Lagos State has Again Given 11 COVID-19 Survivors the Green Light ??

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We’ve got some good news from Lagos State – eleven more COVID-19 survivors have been discharged from the isolation centre in the state. This brings the total of recoveries to 18 since the index case was reported.

The Lagos State governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu shared the news on Instagram and it has again got people full of joy and hope. He also shared that the results of the tests came out negative twice and they pose no threat to their families or community.

The statement reads:

Dear Lagosians,
I am happy to break to you, the news of the discharge today of 11 more patients from our facility in Yaba.
They have fully recovered, tested negative to COVID-19 and have been allowed to return home to their families. This brings to 18 the number of discharged patients in Lagos since the index case was reported.

It is a thing of joy that we have not recorded any mortality, and we hope and pray that it remains so. We will not rest on our oars but continue to work assiduously for the full recovery of the other patients so that they can return home to their families and the community.

That the tests results of these patients came out negative twice is a big assurance to us that they pose no threat to the community. We are therefore, releasing them in furtherance of our commitment for a disease free State.

May I warn that this is not the time to relax, but to maintain our vigilance against Coronavirus because of the community infection that we are beginning to experience. We should be sober as the battle continues.

Reports of youths gathering for social and sporting activities, as well as those massing for religious purposes are quite unfortunate. This kind of insensitivity could be a weak link in our collective effort to break the chain of transmission of the infection.

The order for law enforcement agents to ensure that residents comply with the directive to stay indoors remains. I enjoin members of the Organised Private Sector and others to read the Federal Government’s guidelines on the restriction of movement so that the directive is not breached in any way.

Again, I assure you as your Governor and Incident Commander, we will not relent in our efforts to completely eradicate this disease from our state.
Thank You all and God bless.

Photo Credit: jidesanwoolu
