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Blessing & Olatoye Found Love at Work and Now, It’s Happy Ever After!

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Love keeps proving to us that it can indeed show up anywhere and when it does, it is just right to bask in all the sweetness that it brings. For Blessing and Olatoye, love found them at work and their love story is giving us all the excitement we need to keep our day going.

These sweethearts met on Blessing’s first day at work and it was definitely love at first sight. Olatoye found a way to get her number and now they have chosen to be together forever. Their pre-wedding photos are giving us all the feels of love. We can’t help but smile at the way they look at each other. These two make such an adorable couple and their photos will certainly make your day!

Enjoy their pre-wedding photos below.

How we met
By the bride, Blessing:

I met my fiancé on the first day of my resumption at my new job in 2018. He had resumed in the same firm a few months before me and he assisted with directions to the office as I was a pretty confused newbie. It was my first day of work so I wasn’t really paying attention to anything else other than getting to work and starting the day right but something about him caught my attention that day and I can’t even put it into words. We’ll just call it butterflies in my stomach because of how gentlemanly and kind he was in the few minutes of our interaction.

I was quick to discard the butterflies, lol, as I had to remind myself that I was just starting a new job and needed to focus. I was in training/induction for a couple more weeks so I didn’t get to see him and to be honest, I never even thought I’d see him again as the office had well over 600 employees. As ‘fate’ would have it, he popped up on my WhatsApp a couple of weeks later and safe to say the butterflies I had earlier discarded came flying right back! 😅

He had gotten my number from one of the general group chats we were in and since I was quite active and popular in the group, he said he was curious about me. 🤣 We got talking and after about one year of going back and forth (mostly because I was reluctant to have a relationship with someone in the same office – we all know the myths around that), he asked me to be his girlfriend and I agreed.

Fast forward to about 3 years later, we both moved to the UK and he popped the question a few months later! He proposed at midnight on New Year’s Eve. It was an absolutely beautiful moment and I couldn’t have imagined a better way to start 2022.



Bride-to-be: @theblessingalbright
Groom-to-be: @toye_kush
Planner: @kofz_event
