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Help your Kids get Smarter with Technology! GC Summer Code Camp teaches Computer Programming for Kids | July 17th – Sept. 9th

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GC Summer Code Camp

The GC Summer Code Camp is an 8-week, exciting, interactive programmed to introduce kids aged 5-17 years to computer programming. Over the past few years, we have been training young girls to code and thought what an awesome thing it would be to involve boys too for this holiday!

Our focus is on using technology to search and recognize smarter ways to help kids learn. One of the ways to do this is by teaching kids computer science and how to code. The benefits of kids learning to code early cannot be over emphasized this gives them the opportunity to be creators of technology and not mere consumers

In a world that is increasingly becoming digital, learning not just how to use computers but how computers work is fast becoming a critical skill.

Our curriculum creates a balance of logical thinking and originality. we make each lesson project-based so that learning can be an interactive, fun and more personalized experience for each child.

Your kids won’t just learn new approaches to express their ingenuity; they would also improve on their problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities.

Each session runs for 2 weeks.

Date: Monday, July 17th – Saturday, September 9th, 2017

What kids will learn:

  • HTML/CSS/Responsive Design
  • Creating Web Forms
  • Using JavaScript to Create Interactive Applications
  • Scratch to create games
  • Mentoring sessions by cool folks from Andela

Besides all these, the kids will be mentored by our friends from Andela and there would be educative and entertaining visits to top technology companies in Nigeria. To crown it all, the programme will end with a Demo Day, where kids get the opportunity to present their projects to family and friends.

Financial implication: 2 weeks – 80k; 1 month – 150k

Please bear in mind that for every child paid for, puts an indigent child in this training program.
