Solid Rock Foundation, in collaboration with Mount Zion Film Productions, has released a biopic of General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor...
The buzz surrounding Damilola Mike-Bamiloye‘s upcoming new season of the web series “Abattoir,” is continuing to build and now the first look at photos of the...
Damilola Mike-Bamiloye has premiered a new short film on YouTube titled “I Am Sarah” and you should definitely see it. The movie, written and Produced by...
The Mount Zion Films Production is out with another touching movie titled “Heart Pain”, produced by Mike Bamiloye and directed by Damilola Mike-Bamiloye. Watch the film...
Damilola Mike-Bamiloye has released the teaser for the forthcoming movie “Heart Pain“, showing on Sunday 2nd of May. The movie follows the story of two parents...
The Season Finale, episode 6 of Damilola Mike-Bamiloye‘s web series “Abattoir” season two has dropped and which details the need for spiritual growth. The web series stars...
Gospel movie producer and actor, Damilola Mike-Bamiloye has released a new web series titled “Abattoir”, which details need for spiritual growth. The web series stars Damiloye Mike-Bamiloye,...
Gospel movie producer and actor, Damilola Mike-Bamiloye has released a new web series titled “Abattoir”, which details need for spiritual growth. The web series stars Damiloye Mike-Bamiloye,...
Gospel movie producer and actor, Damilola Mike-Bamiloye has released a new web series titled “Abattoir”, which details need for spiritual growth. The web series stars Damiloye Mike...
Gospel movie producer and actor, Damilola Mike Bamiloye has released a new web series titled “Abattoir”, which details need for spiritual growth. Episode 1 and 2 is...
Global Outreach Day Nigeria presents The Conversation Series. In this second iteration of the series of conversations centred around sharing the Gospel of Jesus, we feature...
Global Outreach Day Nigeria presents The Conversation Series. The first in this series of conversations centred around sharing the Gospel of Jesus is themed “Not Ashamed”....
The weekend is the perfect time to put a pause on your daily work routine by simply unwinding and you can do that by enjoying the...
The Mount Zion Film Productions is set to release a new movie titled, “The Train: The Journey of Faith“, a biographical epic movie on the early...
The much-loved #BNMovieFeature is wrapping up its 2019 run after we kicked things off in 2017 (Yes, we’ve featured over a hundred movies so far!) In this section,...
The much-loved #BNMovieFeature is wrapping up its 2019 run after we kicked things off in 2017 (Yes, we’ve featured over a hundred movies so far!) In...
Happy new month BellaNaijarians! The much-loved #BNMovieFeature is wrapping up its 2019 run after we kicked things off in 2017 (Yes, we’ve featured over a hundred movies so...
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