“The Weekend,” a film directed by Daniel Oriahi, premiered yesterday, June 9th, at the ongoing Tribeca Film Festival in New York. This groundbreaking film holds...
Lead actress Tope Laguda was joined by special guests Ellen Thomas, Moradeun Adedoyin-Solarin, Victor Inyama, Lookman Sanusi, event anchor Abass Tijani (DJ Abass), and many others...
In a race against time to avoid a dismal fate, traveller Saro returns to the Oyo Kingdom with orders to complete a nearly impossible task in...
I Have An Idea Entertainment, a visionary production house renowned for crafting impactful and thought-provoking films, left an indelible mark on the African International Film Festival...
For the premiere of Prime Video’s first African original movie, “Gangs of Lagos”, the pacesetters of Nigerian entertainment industries stepped out, decked in their different and...
Get ready for an action-packed crime-thriller as Prime Video brings you its first African Original movie, “Gangs of Lagos” on April 7th. The highly anticipated film...
It was a night of fun and laughter as Trino Motion Pictures hosted guests, celebrities and influencers at the movie premiere of their new movie Three...
Fashion brand Lisk just introduced its inclusivity and diversity collection. With this new lookbook featuring Kelechi Amadi-Obi, Denola Grey, Idia Aisien, Damilola Ogunsi, Davou Pwajok and...
It was refreshing to imagine Africa in a new light. A powerful superior superpower. Not the usual images of hunger and famine.
On a new episode of The Screening Room, vlogger Adenike Adebayo reviews Kunle Afolayan’s film The Tribunal. Fate brings together an albino and a lawyer, the...
Set within a contemporary Lagos narrative, fate brings together an albino and a lawyer, the former who claims to have been unfairly dismissed as a result...
After a swell outing with his pan-Africa film, The CEO, popular Nigerian filmmaker, Kunle Afolayan is back with a set of three films, sponsored by...
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