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Moyo Mamora on Fulfilling Purpose: Turn Your Hopes & Dreams Into Reality

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The future belongs to those who can see it, and believe in its possibilities. As humans, we have the unique ability to dream and create the future with our imagination. This ability if well understood and properly worked, inspires us and can drive us into action that will lead us to this future. Some people on the other hand have stopped dreaming, either because of negative experiences or because of  people they have encountered in life.

If this is you, my challenge to you is to begin to dream again!

I want you to look 5 years into the future. What do you see concerning your life? What steps are you taking currently to move you closer to what you see? Having a dream without a definite plan is the same as living in a fantasy. Most people get so busy with life doing what they need to do to get by, rather than taking the steps to get them to fulfilling their dreams. Your dreams inspire life within you, but you must know that fulfilling dreams doesn’t come cheap. It will come about with much strategic planning and hard-work. However, the process of turning your dreams into a reality can be made simpler by forming habits that lead you there.

You are a creature of habit. A good percentage of your life is a summary of habits that you have formed. Where you are, currently in life, is the result of habits that you had formed in the past. Whether good of bad, your habits lead you to  a certain destination. Successful people have formed a habit of doing things other people don’t like to do. If you are to achieve your goals and see your dreams become a reality, you must form habits that will lead you to your desired destination.

Habits are formed by repetition, and this is a form of practice. For you to turn your hopes and dreams into realities, you must have enough practice of the skills and talents required. Your execution and activities in life should unconsciously be taking you closer to the fulfillment of these drams. Think about it, tasks that seem impossibly complex at first, like learning how to play a musical instrument, speak a foreign language or operate a new piece of equipment, become second nature after we perform those actions many times.

Here are some tips that could help turn those dreams into reality –

1. Continue to dream and believe:  Napoleon Hill in his book, Think And Grow Rich said, “whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”. When a goal is clearly in view, it is much easier to reach it. With each step, you can assess how much closer you are, and progress keeps you motivated to reach your destination. You must dream and continue to believe.  Believing inspires action and transforms your behavior in order for your dreams to become a reality. Never let a day go by without visualizing the desired end.

2.Consciously regulate your information sources: There’s a famous computer lingo, “garbage in, garbage out”. The quality of content that you pay attention to affects your conscious and your subconscious. Your decisions in life are a sum total of the available information to you. If there is a destination you intend to get to, you must ensure that you feed yourself with the best quality of information relating to that destination. You need tolearn more to achieve more. Remember that cheap information is valued at what it costs. Buy books, attend seminars, expose yourself to leaders in the field you desire to be in. Commit yourself to being a life long learner, and consume quality and valuable information.

3. Practice what you learn: It takes about 5 to 7 years to attain mastery in a field. Wisdom is the right application of knowledge. The information you gather does no good except it is applied and it creates value. Continually put to practice what you are learning until it becomes second nature to you (a habit is formed), and from there move up one more level in difficulty.

4. Be consistent: Consistency is critical if you want to make a habit stick. As a corollary to point 3, don’t try to completely change your life in one day. You can’t apply everything you’ve learned all at once. It is easy to get over-motivated and take on too much. If you start with one principle you’ve learned, work it until it becomes second nature, then build on that. Successful people have learned this, this is why too often they are criticized for making things look too easy.

5. Track your progress: Someone once mentioned to me that when you begin to track progress, progress naturally occurs. So true! If you are not measuring how much closer you are to seeing your hopes and dreams become a reality, you run the risk of activity without progress. Get a journal, or develop a system of measuring if you are making headway. Being able to see your progress keeps you motivated, and if something is not working, then you can self examine and make adjustments.

My mission is to challenge you to exceed higher goals. Five years from now, one thing is guaranteed, five years of your life would have elapsed. What would be different? Will your what ifs be what is by then?


Remember, you have 15 more days to get the eCopy of my new book Young & Purposeful, and an opportunity for my Kindle Fire HD giveaway. Visit to see how you can participate.

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Moyo Mamora is a visionary leader and an insightful teacher of Biblical life principles. He is the author of Young & Purposeful: Discovering and fulfilling purpose early in life, and Power Points for Success. He has a personal goal to empower people to live a victorious life! He runs a personal development blog at and you can connect on twitter @MoyoMamora, and facebook: moyomamoralive

Moyo Mamora has a personal goal to empower people to lead victorious lives! He is the author of Young & Purposeful: Discovering and fulfilling purpose early in life, and Power Points for Success. He runs a personal blog at You can connect on instagram @MoyoMamora, and facebook: @MoyoMamoraLive
