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Who Is The New African? – This Week on Moments With Mo

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The image of “Africans” as portrayed in international media has evolved. From the images of suffering, war, hunger and famine; things seemed to have moved along positively, we now see a new crop of successful young Africans.

Moments With Mo sets out to find out how much change has really occurred and they ask the question – “Who Is the New African?

Has the stereotypically negative image Africans around the world changed since Obama’s presidency? Has our image improved? Does racism still exist on the continent? How do we see ourselves and how does the rest of the world see us?

Join Mo as she discovers the answers to these questions and attempts to define the “New African”.

This episode will air on Tuesday 30th of November 2010 on MNet West Africa by 9.30pm with repeat broadcasts on the same channel on Wednesdays by 2pm and Saturdays by 2.30pm.
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