Top-of-the-World Goodness: The Malta Guinness Love Rock Valentine Party with Banky W & Andre Blaze
There is something about the Valentine’s “season” that totally captures the hearts of Nigerians. During the month of February, there were so many Valentine themed events and products. Malta Guinness, a foremost Malt drink celebrated the season of love by creating an exciting experience for their customers. The company organized a special event – the “Malta Guinness Love Rock Valentine Party” – for their customers on Valentine’s Day – 14th February 2011. The event took place at Planet One in Lagos Nigeria.
The show kicked off with DJ Top steering the wheels of steel and dishing out the hits for the Malta Guinness consumers and fans in attendance. The “Malta Guinness Love Rock Valentine Party” was anchored by the TV Presenter, Andre Blaze. Andre Blaze engaged the guests with Valentine’s questions and rewarded those people who gave the correct answers with various gift items.
Also present at the show were the winners of the Malta Guinness Street Dance Africa Season III and current Pan African Champion, X-Fellaz. X-Fellaz, in their typical energetic choreographic style, showed the stuff that made them the best dance group in Nigeria at the last MGSDA Season III competition and also, the African Champions at the Pan Africa Dance Competition held in Ghana last year. It was another exciting moment when all guests present were invited to the dance floor, several minutes later, the best dancers were chosen by Andre and awarded prizes for their efforts.
The show came to its climax when Mr. Capable, Banky W hit the stage and performed hits from his recent album. After he completed his set, the guests demanded an encore – Banky obliged them and kicked things up a notch by inviting ladies to join him on stage and then delivering a sensual performance of “Strong Ting”, after his performance, he showed some love by giving out even more prizes to lucky guests.
With Banky W done on stage, it was time to take a bow. The excitement of the Malta Guinness Love Rock Valentine Party lingered on their taste buds as the crowd reluctantly dispersed looking forward to another event filled with “top-of-the-world goodness”.
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