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BNM Red Alert: Layori



We, Nigerian-based folk might be on the late bus on this one. However, good music is timeless and cannot hide. I give you Layori. She is based in Munich, Germany and sings an eclectic mix of Folk, Soul and Jazz.

With the first few bars of the blues-colored, folkloristic title “Dada”, sung in her Yoruba, Layori pulls the listener into a sounduniverse where Afro, Pop, Soul and Jazz can communicate the easy way.

What we hear is an airy, almost completely acoustic, calm music, that is simple, catchy but multilayered – music that is never dominant but always electrifying.

It is sung by a woman that loves transparency as much as mystery, a woman that shows a surprising maturity for her age, a woman that is obviously in balance with herself. With her sensuous alto voice the singer is aiming directly at the hearts and souls of those who listen to her


Photo Credit: Oliver Spies
