Isio Knows Better: Woman, Know Thyself
I sincerely lay no claims to being more knowledgeable than anyone, but I do confess that I know better than I did yesterday, last year and a decade ago. Isio Knows better is an attempt to capture the shocking and highly entertaining conversation within myself.
The conversations between my mind (the sharp witty one), my soul (the lover and the spiritual one) and my body (the playful one concerned with the more mundane things of life). She is the eternal referee between the caustic mind and the sensitive soul.
This is Isio.
So, here’s to making private conversations public.
”The queen always was, is, and will be the most powerful player on the chessboard”.
Beyoncé asked a question, ‘Who runs the world?’
And millions of women have answered around the world, ‘GIRLS!’
I’m sorry, but let’s be honest. We used to back when the world was a matriarchal society. Historians imagine this to be a time of beauty, justice and empathy. We just might, perhaps some thousands of years from now, but right now, we don’t.
Because women are too busy using everything they’ve got to control ONE man, instead of aspiring to REALLY control the world.
Because women don’t train their daughters to be more than who they are “relative to a man”.
Because women are too busy fighting each other.
Because women spend too much time and energy labelling and condemning other women; who are actually doing something to control their worlds.
Because they are NOT like you, they MUST be shallow; MUST NOT submissive; MUST have “slept their way to the top”; they MUST be lesbians; and they MUST be witches… “Oh, such paganistic devilish intentions…”,
Because she’s beautiful she MUST be cursed, must be a “mammy-water”, or must be a “bitch.”
Because we want to compete with a man’s ego instead being the best versions of ourselves. We have redefined communication, (oh, yes we have) by perfecting the art of listening to reply instead of listening to understand.
And, trust the men, they take advantage of our confusion, play on our emotions and suppress us. I don’t blame them? Who wouldn’t? We make it so easy.
Rule the world my cute little nose. Let us NOT deceive ourselves. Until we learn to “rule” ourselves and evolve past all these pettiness, we no go rule shi-shi.
We are women, we are beautiful. We are powerful. It’s a pity the only ones who can’t see it are- (you guessed right)…US!
This is for all the beautiful women out there. Know thyself. Support each other. I know it can be difficult, but make we try small biko.
Remember the queen-on-the-chessboard quote with the graces and wisdom of one; be ye child, lover, mother, sister, preacher, harlot, cook, baker, trader, runner, executive, wife, concubine or friend. You are all queens.
Isio Wanogho is a top-model, TV Personality and entrepreneur. She is conversant in five languages and has 12 years of experience in the Nigerian entertainment industry. Isio, popularly known by her brand name Isio De-laVega, captivates audiences with her signature wide smile and relatable, quirky personality which endears her to many. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @isiodelavega