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Funke Akindele to share Her New Mom Experience with The Ladies of ‘Your View’ | Tomorrow, July 10th

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Clean Naija, the National Hygiene Initiative of Dettol, will be taking center stage as Funke Akindele joins the ladies of TVC’s ‘Your View’ on Wednesday, July 10th, 2019, to discuss Dettol’s foremost health initiative. The ladies will be discussing Funke’s new mom status, and also better hygiene practices for the children, Mothers and the community in general.

The initiative comes at a critical time, as Nigeria has been ranked amongst the top nations that bear a significant portion of the global disease burden and high under-5 mortality rates with over 150,000 children dying yearly. Many of these diseases, such as diarrhoea can be prevented by proper hand washing habits and wide-scale hygiene education. This is a major motivation for the setting up of the Clean Naija Initiative.

Over the past 7 years, Dettol has been at the forefront of providing hygiene education with programs such as the School Hygiene Program which has educated over Six million children and teachers on proper hand hygiene habits, and the New Mums Program, which has educated over five million pregnant and new mothers on hygienic practices which have been very helpful in protecting them during the different phases of their pregnancies.

In continuation of her media tour, Funke will also appear on Silverbird TV on Thursday, July 2019 11th, to share insights on how to cultivate and maintain healthy hygiene practices.
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