Adekunle Gold wants Us to do Better in Raising Responsible Sons
From the death of Tina to the death Uwa, last week (the month of May) was quite the heavy one.
Just like us, Adekunle Gold is really sad about the news.
Demanding justice for Uwa and Tina, he pointed out that it is our responsibility as a society to raise better sons and enable better men. He wrote:
My heart bleeds.
Uwa and Tina’s lives have been cut short because we’ve raised and enabled a generation of men who believe women should be exploited not protected.
We’ve enabled powerdrunk senseless men with uniforms and weapons.
We are not allowed to sit down there and say “not all men” fuck that! All men are responsible. Your brother’s heart is desperately wicked and you have enabled it, wether in catcalling or in objectification. We have enabled it. Not waiting on the government to do anything, don’t want to set myself up for further disappointment.
I pray we raise better sons and enable better men.
Photo Credit: adekunlegold