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Whitemoney’s Win + All that #BBNaija Shine Ya Eye Top 6 Housemates Got Up To in the Final Week

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Week 10 in the Big Brother Naija Shine Ya Eye house began with a Double Jeopardy game, saw EmmaRose lead the house one last time and led us to the winner of the season. Catch up!

Day 65: Cross discovers leftover groceries

Cross and the Housemates struck the jackpot with Evicted Housemates’ leftover food.

We have always wondered what happens to the food after the Housemates leave the #BBNaija House. This question was answered with excitement by some of the last standing bunch of the Shine Ya Eye geng.

It all started in the kitchen where Cross found out that Nini and Saga had left some juice and shortbread. Cross was then heard screaming,” Nini and Saga are a billionaire couple and they are so rich to afford things like shortbread!”

It turns out that there are things we didn’t know about the Ship that got Evicted the night before. They left some delicacies for food lover Cross to find and it was indeed a treasure! ?

Day 65: Cross discovers leftover groceries – BBNaija

“Are you kidding me!?” was the delighted response from Whitemoney. He even suggested that Nini and Saga would have been able to start selling to the Housemates.

According to him, Sani could have even started a mini-mart in the #BBNaija House. This is when Cross instigated that they start their own supermarket called the “Top Four Market”. We only wonder who their customers would be??

They began reflecting on the times that Nini spent in the kitchen, realising that she was fully stocked up with good food while she was in the House. We also recalled a time when Nini was offering her fellow Housemates some hot chocolate after their surprise buffet from Biggie.

She made sure she had all the tasty things at hand. No wonder Saga was somewhat glued to her. The saying that goes, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” now makes more sense.

Nini had the meaty stuff, some juice, shortbread, all of which she obviously shared with Saga. “Shout out to Nini!” said Emmanuel. They showered her with blessings similar to how she showered Biggie with gratitude during their tasty buffet last week. ?

Cross also uncovered Yousef’s stash of leftover groceries in his closet locker. There he found tomato paste, noodles and sardines which he has planned to create a feast with, plus Queen’s food, Pere’s pepper and Angel‘s eggs. As of today, they had about four crates of eggs all to themselves. There was even chocolate which undoubtedly put a smile on Cross’ face!

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We only wondered if they will give Pere or Angel their food back if it happened that one of them returned to the House after the Double Jeopardy Game. ?

Day 65: Housemates create Patricia art installations

The Housemates envisioned a life with Patricia through art.

To start off the Finale week, Big Brother gave the Housemates a fun painting exercise.

For this task, each housemate was required to make any painting of their choice and incorporate any of the Patricia elements listed below:

  • The Patricia “P” icon
  • The Astronaut
  • The Rocket
  • Bitcoin

A box containing these elements was provided to them. They had to take turns picking one element from the box. Whatever element they picked had to be incorporated in their paintings.

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The geng was given 90 minutes to create their paintings. Once the 90 minutes elapsed, they had to all gather in the main lounge to present their paintings. Each Housemate had five minutes to present and share the motivation behind their pieces.

All items needed for this Task were provided in the storeroom. They proceeded to collect them and they were encouraged to wear their merchandise immediately, shortly after which the timer for the Task started.

The Task

The Housemates proceeded to fetch their supplies and set up their paint, canvases and easels in the Garden area. Whitemoney was painting a piece based on the Astronaut element. Cross worked on the Patricia “P” icon. Whitemoney was at another end of the Garden working on a piece with the Astronaut element and Emmanuel’s piece was Rocket inspired.

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Whitemoney’s on The Astronaut

Whitemoney’s art piece was inspired by a story about a child who wanted to become an astronaut but his parents didn’t understand what he wanted to be. His parents, however, supported him. He grew up and went on to study Astronomy.

After completing his studies he went home to tell his mother but on the way there he found out that she had passed on. With time he goes on to get a job at the “P” Patricia Head Quarters and he becomes an Astronaut there.

His living father comes to witness the son’s success as an Astronaut. He was a happy father having eventually recognised that this was indeed a good path for his son to take.

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Liquorose on Bitcoin

She had a coin with a mixture of colours; orange, red, purple, green and black. She presented the colours as a representation of all the emotions and problems people of colour go through.

“In life, we are always trying to work and achieve things, we always face obstacles,” she said, metaphorically explaining the relationship between bitcoin and real life. “All the problems we go through are similar to what gold goes through before it becomes a coin.” she narrated.

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Emmanuel on The Rocket

Emmanuel had a painting that depicted a rocket taking off from the land, a blue sky, rural areas and all the elements one would generally see in life; in his words. He told a creative story about the arrival of Patricia in the form of a rocket ship.

“This rocket signifies Patricia bringing improvement and betterness to society.” He went on to describe the significance of his part piece.

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Cross on The Patricia “P” icon

Stepping out of a sleepy state, Cross introduced his art peace as you would expect. “Ladies and Gentlemen!” he started. He took us on “a little walk around the P” he had on his canvas. He described it as a world consisting of different kinds of people represented by the seven Ps on the colourful “P” icon he painted.

“People have feelings and are going through a lot in life. Everyone is under the category of P,” he began explaining. In his presentation he gave a narrative of Patricia giving cover for all necessary things in life such as working from home, trading, moving around the world and even getting a good partner.“What is it is that you want in life? Patrica has you covered. Make your life profitable.” he ended.

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All four Housemates did their best to creatively present their art pieces and the winner of the Task is yet to be announced.

Day 65: Angel and Pere return to the House – BBNaija

The duo returned after an exhausting duel to ecstatic Housemates.

There was a general feeling of excitement as both Angel and Pere made their way back into the BBNaija Shine Ya Eye House to join the rest of the geng to make this Season’s top six Finalists.

As the doorbell rang and they walked in, the House erupted in screams. Angel walked into Cross’ tight embrace, as Liqourose reached out to Pere. The Housemates were overjoyed to see them again.

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Pere and Angel were earlier asked to leave the House during the Live Eviction Show, creating the impression that both were Evicted. This wasn’t the case as they made their way to the White House where they played the Double Jeopardy game. Both Housemates performed excellently in this tightly contested game, and Biggie decided that both deserved to be in the Finals.

A whole lot of food

Whitemoney pointed out that he had asked if more Housemates were being brought in because the food ration they got for the week was just too much. Upon entering the kitchen, Pere could not hide his astonishment when he saw the surplus food they had. “At least we will grow fat before we leave,” Angel said on spotting the sumptuous meals.

Cross being Cross

When Emmanuel conducted a mock interview asking how he felt about Angel’s return, Cross response was one for the books and maybe to Emmanuel’s relief too. “I feel good and overwhelmed… I don’t have to go for Liquorose anymore,” he responded playfully.

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We suspected

Emmanuel said they actually expected Angel when they heard the bell ring. Angel’s exit during the Live Eviction Show was somewhat unusual, according to him.

What happened when we left

Pere was pretty much concerned about what happened while they were away. Thanks to the Geng, he was able to find out about Emmanuel being the new House Head, how they did during the games, and about the Patricia Task he missed.

Mums the word

The geng did try to find out where Angel and Pere went to and what they did. Angel told them they wouldn’t understand, and both she and Pere agreed they couldn’t explain what happened. Liqourose didn’t want to probe further, saying they didn’t have to say anything.

Day 66: The ‘Iron Fisher’ Task 

Pere turns out victorious as the geng takes part in the “Iron Fisher ” Task by Innosson Vehicles.

Day 66: Angel spills the tea about the Secret Room – BBNaija

Angel gives a tell-all on her Secret Room experience with Pere.

Day 66: Angel spills the tea about the Secret Room – BBNaija

After seeking permission from Biggie to disclose what happened in the Secret Room – Angel dashed out ready to gist the Housemates on her whereabouts and how intense the Double Jeopardy Game was for her and Pere.

Well, the Housemates were curious at first and wanted to know their whereabouts but Pere and Angel stonewalled them for a while refusing to talk about their experience. Perhaps like Emmanuel, they thought it was confidential and could not share the details of their heated battle in the game of trucks and screwdrivers.

Immediately after her Diary Session, Angel was relieved to share the details of her experience, however, Pere in his Diary Session pointed out that he didn’t intend to disclose the details about the game or his whereabouts after the Sunday Live Show.

It seems Angel might have cornered him to divulge this part of the conversation he wasn’t ready to revisit. However, as Angel spoke, Pere seemed to find some relief in knowing that their shared experience resonated with the Housemates as they commended them for working hard to return to the House.

She expressed being uncomfortable because she couldn’t stand the whiteness of the room. She felt its brightness could have affected her mental health; however, she is glad that she made it out.  Whitemoney added that this is why any of the Housemates shouldn’t question why they are back because none of them would understand what they went through.

As the conversation moved into the House, Pere and Angel expressed that after all that they’ve been through they are glad to be back. It’s all vibes but the energies are just about right in the House and as the Housemates are empathizing with them.

Day 67: The tales of failed love interests in Biggie’s House

While a few ships blossomed, we’ve witnessed some epic fails that came up either because Housemates did not take a chance on love, or they were just not that into it.

Day 67: The tales of failed love interests in Biggie’s House – BBNaija

The BBNaija House is often filled with Housemates that are eager and open to the idea of love, be it for strategic pairing or genuine desire for companionship and affection. The Housemates, however, often professed they are open to the idea of love but spent an enormous amount of time calculating the risks of heartbreak.

From what we’ve observed there are a few self-aware Housemates that stalled on love and refused to take the first chance presented to them to ship in the House. Jackie B had an interesting connection with Boma at the beginning of the season.

However, the way she held back on shipping was one thing we commend her for, especially when it turned out that Boma is “Okro” (self-confessed, mind you). ?  Whew, talk about saving yourself first! Luckily, with Michael’s entrance, she eased into the idea of shipping, just not in the House. Well, we hope that love comes around for her and Michael.

We’ve come to think of Yousef as an unofficial member of the Okro geng or rather a cruise master. He’s had his eyes on a number of ladies in the House, from his first kiss with Liquorose during the first truth or dare game to Saskay, Angel and Jackie B.

While he’s been unlucky at finding the right lady for him, he’s enjoyed the perks of cruising and sometimes even when time wasn’t on his side (remember Jackie B a few hours before her Eviction?)

Sammie’s love story is a tale of heartbreak and good bargaining. While he started with an interesting cruise with Angel, it led to bittersweet heartbreak. Even Biggie had to step in to give him some advice on how to deal with this situation. Nonetheless, his good bargaining with cruise allowed him to still maintain close proximity to Angel, even when they weren’t dating. But who doesn’t like to be cuddled? We understand, Sammie. We truly do!?

However, we’ve seen your memes about the “know your worth geng” and we couldn’t help but think of all the ladies that held it down. Jackie B and Michael turned out to be a patience game, Maria and Pere, on the other hand, turned out to be a complex duo with a friendship that bordered ‘ship drama’ and unwarranted jealously. Hmm, “they were just friends.”

We could go on about epic fails of love in Biggie’s House, but one thing we know is while shipping wasn’t a priority for most Housemates, finding love in this game is never planned. However, being open to the idea of it might be the key to just getting to know more about your ideal partner – we hope Saga is doing okay now that Nini is away from him. ?

Although Cross and Angel are just cruising they have found their balance in matching each other’s energy and we think if they had their chance at the beginning of the Season, maybe they would be a ship by now? However, love is a beautiful thing and the last ship standing –  Emmarose is proof that anything is possible with a bit of love – and we wish all the Housemates who never got the chance to ship in the House, all the best.

Day 67: The Sharelympics Task – BBNaija

Day 67: The Sharelympics Task

The geng had another fun Task and of course, some smiled to the bank.

Emmanuel, Liquorose and Pere won today’s Airtel “Sharelympics” Task. As part of this Task, Airtel showcased its new product called “Airtel Family Plan”, designed specifically for families to stay connected.

To complete the Task, Housemates were divided into two families and required to play a series of games that required them to work together.

Family 1 – Emmanuel, Liquorose and Pere.

Family 2 – Cross, Angel, Whitemoney

Off to the Arena

The first game played by the Housemates was a jigsaw puzzle. They were given two boxes containing the puzzle pieces with a reference image to guide them. It was a fast-paced Task, but Family one was the first to solve the puzzle.

The big foot race

For the second game, each family raced through the track using the provided boards on the floor. Members of each team had one leg on each board and held on to the ropes attached to the boards before they began their race to the finish line.

The egg relay race.

Similar to the game of relay, this time the Housemates were required to run with a spoon and a mockup egg in their mouths. Starting from the spot marked start, one family member ran through the track passing the ball on their spoon to the family member standing on the next spot, who proceeded to pass the egg to the last member of the family.

The blindfold game

For this game, each family nominated one representative who was blindfolded and required to touch the branded airtel milestones to claim the Airtel Family Plan written on them as they made their way to the finish line. Family one chose Pere to be their representative and he hit all the boxes in record time. Family two chose Cross

The Charade game

For the final game of the Airtel ‘Sharelympics” Task, the geng played the “Family Charades”. This game was to test how well they knew their fellow Housemates. A box containing some names of both current and Evicted Housemates were provided and taking turns, they each played four rounds of Charade where they acted out their chosen Housemates. Five points were awarded each time a guess was correct.

Watch the Task here


The geng didn’t have to wait too long before the result was announced. It was no surprise when Biggie announced Family one as the winner. They get a cash prize of one million Naira. Congratulations Emmanuel, Liquorose and Pere.

The entire House will also get the Airtel Family Plan when they get their phones.

Day 68: Pere opens up on his rift with Saga – BBNaija

Pere talks about the rift that almost ruined one of the best bromances on the Show.

Day 68: Pere opens up on his rift with Saga – BBNaija

Last night, Pere opened up about his bromance with Saga and how the rift had taken a toll on him. During a discussion with the rest of the geng, he confessed that the video he saw of Saga telling Nini about him really hurt him. “After I watched that video, I said I wasn’t going to talk to him,” he said. Even though he was willing to be cordial, there were times when they walked by one another and neither of them spoke, not even a simple greeting.

When questioned further, he said everything Saga said could have been said by anyone, but he didn’t expect it from him. What even made it more upsetting was him telling Nini. The truth was that Pere respected Saga a great deal, and that might be a part of why it hurt so much. They eventually settled their rift, and Pere explained how it happened.

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Settling the rift
Pere said he was cooking and Saga walked up to him telling him that he would like to talk to him when he was done. Pere agreed to it and the first thing he did when they met was to ask Saga to tell him everything he did in the video. It was only after this that they reconciled and kept their friendship alive.

Standup guy.
Pere talked about how much he admired Saga and how he had a pure heart. It was evident that he was very fond of Saga. He recalled the altercation they had during a Task and how upset he was but despite this, Saga came to meet him to settle their differences. He also mentioned how Saga was the first person he connected with on the Show.

According to Whitemoney, situations like this one, have helped the Housemates forge stronger friendships. In light of how passionately Pere spoke about Saga’s qualities, it seems that their bond outside the House will be one of the strongest we’ve ever seen? Only time will tell.

Day 69: Pre-Independence Dinner

Decked in traditional outfits, the geng trooped out to the garden for an amazing dinner.

Day 69: Pre-Independence Dinner – BBNaija

As part of Naija’s 61st Independence Day celebrations, the Housemates were treated to a delightful pre-Independence dinner. Stylishly dressed in gorgeous native attire, the geng had the time of their lives dining and celebrating their beautiful country.

Surprise Invitation

Just when the geng thought the night was over, Emmanuel summoned them to a Brief reading – and to their surprise, they were asked to get ready for a dinner party. Cross lamented about having had dinner already, but the rest of the geng were quick to distance themselves from him as they eagerly went off to get dressed for this important occasion.

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Mama, I made it

Those were the words Whitemoney shouted as they entered the beautifully decorated Garden, which was the venue to celebrate not only Nigeria’s independence but also the top six. Marvelled by the sight, the Housemates immediately started congratulating each other for coming this far.

The sight of their pictures on the cake brought them joy and reminded them that the level they had attained was no easy task. Head of House, Emmanuel got the ball rolling as he dedicated the opening toast to Nigeria.

He also made a toast to the Housemates for making it this far and their good fortune. Speaking of good fortune, he himself had just won One million, ninety-five thousand Naira in the WAW Nigeria Task.

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A feast for all

A wide variety of mouthwatering dishes filled the table leaving the Housemates with different delicacies to choose from. They moved back and forth between the dining table and the table where the meals were served, helping themselves to rounds after rounds of food. They eventually gave up after they had eaten their fill. This was indeed a feast for Kings and Queens.

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On this note, Happy Independence Day Nigeria. Your Housemates did the country proud and repped Naija to the fullest.

Day 70: The last Jacuzzi vibe – BBNaija

It’s not just a vibe, it’s a celebration – and this is how the final Jacuzzi Party got lit!

Day 70: The last Jacuzzi vibe - BBNaija

At the final Jacuzzi Party, the Housemates took to celebrating not only their last Friday Night Party in the House, but Independence Day too.

Like a belt and trousers combo, Emmanuel and Liquorose made sure to walk arm in arm as they headed to the party. Their coordinated look for the night was the iconic couple goals fit – and yes, it’s all about showing skin, darling!

Liquorose’s face beamed with excitement when she walked into the garden and headed towards the Guinness refrigerator. We think it’s the one thing she might miss about the party, but nothing will come close to Boomplay Music for her.

Emmanuel, Pere and Cross showed up ready to have a good time and we think they turned it up just the way we’d expect them to do for their last night. The House was all vibes as they danced the night away while sipping on their drinks.

If you’ve seen Whitemoney at the Jacuzzi Party, you know the man knows how to work the grill. We may not know what he was making, but it sure made a good impression on Emmanuel as he had to carry some of the food to his Head of House Lounge. All in all, the party was a vibe and the Housemates partied like rockstars.

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Is there ever a party without some post-party drama…

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While Housemates were moving into House Liquorose shouted across the Games Room to Pere as she insisted that he plug her with the person that gave him that beautiful smile. Pere’s response had Liquorose compose a song about how she B-Zoned him and he just doesn’t cut it.

While the song was catchy, we wonder if the B-Zone is the “brother zone”, which happens to be far beyond the pits of the friendzone. In any case, we think the more drunk the Housemates are, the more they revel in the spiciest chats. Who knows what these two could have been, if there was no Emma-Rose ship.

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Well, the song didn’t stop Pere from dashing off to the Games Room while singing back his response to Liquorose about coming out of this so-called zone. We wonder if his teeth are insured. ?

Surely we’d hate to see Emmanuel do anything post this show if he ever comes to his sober senses.? Whether it is just drinks or not, like us, most of you wouldn’t have imagined a Pere and Liquorose ship. Nonetheless, we are glad that Biggie’s House had them feeling like siblings.

We are curious to find out what cool name you would have come up with for these two?

Day 70: A win and treats

What better way to wake up than with money in the bank and delicious breakfast?

Day 70: A win and treats – BBNaija

After an amazing Jacuzzi Party, the geng woke up this morning to great news. Well… Pere, Liquorose and Emmanuel actually. The trio woke up to the announcement that they had won one hundred and fifty thousand Naira worth of shopping vouchers for winning the Amazon Farm Taste Test Challenge.

In addition, each of them also received seventy-five thousand Naira worth of shopping vouchers for winning the second game as well. That wasn’t all though!

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Tasty Breakfast

Biggie is not letting up on his generosity toward his Housemates. All week long, he has been spoiling them with the best of treats. Just recently, he threw a dinner party for them in celebration of Nigeria’s Independence – and this morning, he treated them to a delicious breakfast.

A delicious breakfast it was as they raved about it nonstop while eating. They even went further, showering praises on Biggie for the meal and the restaurant behind the meal. The breakfast must have hit all the right spots because what happened next was although not unexpected, still surprising after a heavy breakfast.

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The dance session

Something about the meal put the Housemates in the mood for a little dance session and that’s what they did. Just as soon they had the meal, they immediately got to their feet and started dancing. What a great way to start the day. We definitely would like to have what they had, that got them all fired up.

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In retrospect, perhaps it is the fact that they made it all the way and will be heading out into the real world in a few hours that has them so delighted. Whatever the case, we are happy to see them this way.

Day 71: A final party laced with spicy drama – BBNaija

The Housemates had their last Saturday Night Party – and it came with a whole bag of emotions.

Day 71: A final party laced with spicy drama – BBNaija

The “Shine Ya Eye” geng had their final Saturday Night Party. Seeing as it was the last party for the season, the Housemates were pretty excited about the whole affair and were all jazzed up about meeting their colleagues who had left the House. The preparation for the party started with the Housemates receiving their party outfits alongside a board game.

Pre-party vibes

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When the outfits for the party arrived, the Housemates were quick to get ready for the event. After getting dressed, you know what comes next. Yes, the photos. They started off with selfies and helping each other out until everyone was ready and then group photos were taken.

The Housemates noticed however that it was taking a little longer than expected for them to go into the Party Room and came to the reasoning that this may have been why a board game came along with their outfits.

The Housemates stuck to this reasoning and played the board game that came along with their outfits till it was time for them to leave the House.

Party proper

The party started with the Evicted Housemates of the “Shine Ya Eye” Season trooping into the Party Arena. Yerins, Niyi, Beatrice, Arin, Princess, Michael, Kayvee, Queen, JMK, Boma, Tega, Peace, Jackie B, Jaypaul, Yousef, Saskay, Nini, Saga, Maria and Sammie were all accounted for.

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A few minutes after their entrance, the six finalists made their way into the Party Arena and were excited to see their old friends and colleagues. Although demarcated by a glass wall, they partied like the rock stars that they are.

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Post party drama

As expected there were sprinkles of drama around the House when the Housemates got back in. Pere tried to speak of what his relationship with Maria would be like outside, but Whitemoney was quick to tell him to forget about it since they were all leaving on Sunday evening and would find out all they needed to know outside the House. He finally settled with not talking about it but said he doesn’t care if anyone tries to implicate him for anything he did in the House.

The drama moved on to another ship that did not take off. Angel was all up in Cross’ face after Pere had spoken and made mention of her making love to Cross; a move he flat out refused because he feels she doesn’t care about him and is a player. Angel refuted his claims saying she genuinely cared about him and that he was wrong for thinking it was any other way.

Cross, however, was not having it as he insisted that Angel was only playing games with him and that she was a master strategist who was very calculated about everything in the House. They dragged the issue for a long time going back and forth. Pere who was close by also interfered in the conversation every now and then. Angel finally decided that Cross would know the truth when they eventually leave the House on Sunday evening.

Moving from one unsailed ship to another ship that sort of sailed. Liquorose had a little more than she could handle at the party and emerged in the House drunk. After pointless banter, she was taken to the bedroom by Emmanuel. In the room, she was spotted sobbing profusely in front of the mirror while Emmanuel consoled her from behind.

Her emotions were likely brought to the forefront thanks to her inebriation. While she wept she spoke about heartbreak and how she often suffered it because she always gave her all despite warnings from her brother. She claimed to be tired of falling in love because every guy she had been in love with took something away from her whenever they left.

Emmanuel tried consoling her by telling her she was strong, but this didn’t help as she claimed she was indeed strong physically but no one cares about what’s inside.

She went to speak about her fear of doing music because people have told her that she couldn’t do it. This led to more tears but Emmanuel was there for her through it all. They went on to discuss light-hearted topics like Liquorose’s crush list – and then she started to smile and before you know it, the tears were all gone. Emmanuel was able to put her in bed eventually, as she had complained about feeling dizzy earlier.

We know these guys have brought us drama all Season, but tonight was definitely a special one.

Day 71: Cross and Liquorose win the Darling Task – BBNaija

Cross and Liquorose announced the winners of the Darling Task.

Day 71: Cross and Liquorose win the Darling Task – BBNaija

Today, Emmanuel gathered the Housemates to read the final Darling Task Brief and announce the winners of the Task.

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While it was chilled vibes as Emmanuel read the Brief. He started by announcing the top Female Housemates. Angel accumulated 62 points this season and Liquorose on the other hand won the Task after scoring a tally of 84 points. Cross, Pere and Whitemoney cheered for her as they sarcastically alluded to being shocked by her win. The dramatisation of their shock really left us laughing as Liquorose awkwardly stood up to acknowledge their congratulatory messages.

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When it comes to Emmanuel reading Briefs, you’ll be sure to get some form of entertainment as he mimics Ebuka’s qualities when it comes to keeping some form of suspense going. However, he found a way to merge his imitation of Biggie’s Voice and the expressions we’ve grown to love, to spice up the announcement. ?  We could not keep a serious face on even if we tried.

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For the Shine Ya Eye gents, Emmanuel started with Biggie’s expression: “It may seem as though” and carried on to mention each Housemate’s total points. Pere scored 34 points and Emmanuel scored 56 points.

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Before announcing the top Male Housemate, Emmanuel asked Cross and Whitemoney to stand up before he mentioned their final points. The winning top Male Housemate for the Darling Task with just two points ahead was Cross at 76 points and Whitemoney coming in at a close second with 74 points. Pere’s jaw dropped as the news was relayed and proceeded to comment how he honestly did not see those results coming.

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Nonetheless, the Housemates have all showed up and have been bold and fierce, rocking many daring looks we wouldn’t ordinarily see. Congratulations to Cross and Liquorose who will receive N4.5 million and N2.5 million respectively.

Day 71: The Finale Diaries with the finalists – BBNaija

For the last time this season, the final six had their last Diary Sessions with Biggie.

It’s the last day of the Shine Ya Eye season and Emmanuel, Angel, Liquorose, Pere, Cross and Whitemoney spoke to Biggie about how they’re feeling, how ready they are to face the outside world and gave a run through of their final week in the House.

Top 6: Emmanuel

In his Diary Session with Biggie, Emmanuel explained how the Big Brother Naija experience has changed him in a lot of positive ways like how to work on his patience levels, learn how to work in groups and respect people’s opinions. Looking forward to life outside the House, he said he can’t wait to see an increase in his businesses, deals, endorsements, meeting mentors and people that will place him on the path to success.

His final words to Biggie were words of gratitude to Big Brother for always giving him words of encouragement and being a solid support system to him in the House.

Top 6: Angel

When asked about how she is feeling, Angel said she felt happy and nostalgic at the same time, and didn’t fail to mention that she was already missing the House, the Tasks, and activities. “I am anticipating life outside the House because I realise how much I have missed outside after seeing the Evicted Housemates last night.” Excited about starting life outside the House, she said that the House has reformed her, and she’ll be a different person when she goes outside, especially since it has built her tolerance, resilience, belief in herself and her strength. She mentioned how she’s not ready to face what people will have to say about her outside and is anxious about that.

For her final words, the resident ‘Encourage’ minister asked Biggie for the right pronunciation of the word ‘schedule’, asked if he thinks she can navigate the outside world and thanked Big Brother for the whole experience, and for always coming through with good food, nice words and great advice.

Top 6: Liquorose

She told Biggie that she feels excited, accomplished, and nervous about tonight. When asked if she’s ready for life outside the House, she revealed that she’s not sure she’s ready because she doesn’t know the reactions she’ll receive, but she’s ready to face whatever comes her way regardless. The final week was good especially with the excess food, Independence Day celebrations, winning the Darling Hair Task which came with 4.5 million Naira and Pere and Angel’s addition to the finalists’ table.  She went ahead to tell Biggie that the Big Brother Naija experience made her realise that she’s smart and she should stop second-guessing herself, and it has also taught her to pay attention to detail. In addition, it has tested her strength and her cognitive orientation, so she’s looking forward to the next step in her life.

The resident dancer’s final words to Biggie were that she’ll will miss him. She went on to thank him for believing in her and hoped she was a good guest, to which Biggie replied and rated her a 100/10 as his guest in the House.

Top 6: Pere

The resident General said he’s feeling anxious and expectant about tonight and says the final week was the best week in the House for him with lots of food, amazing Tasks, and great synergy in the House. He added that he’s been preparing himself mentally for the outside world and he’s now ready to face it. His experience in the House has been a rollercoaster ride, but has been exciting and worth it overall. It has also taught him that patience is a virtue, not to judge a book by its cover, kindness is the best way to pay people back and that forgiveness is golden. He’s most looking forward to reconnecting with his girlfriend, best friends, connecting with his fans and getting back on movie sets.

His final words for Big Brother included a huge dose of appreciation to Biggie for the opportunity to experience the House.

Top 6: Whitemoney

Big Brother asked ‘Mazi’ what his experience has been and Whitemoney said, “It may seem as though your House has brought out the best in me”. He added that he has learnt a lot from the Tasks and that everything in Biggie’s House holds much importance to him and his experience cannot be quantified at all. When asked if he’s ready for the outside world, he told Biggie that he’s ready, but he doesn’t know if the outside world is ready for Whitemoney 2.0.

His final words to Biggie were prayers and well wishes to him and the production team and Biggie replied by saying his generosity will not be forgotten.

Top 6: Cross

Cross feels excited tonight and is looking forward to the outside world. He’s mostly looking forward to the freedom outside the House, getting his phone back, seeing his mum and the rest of his family and friends, and catching up with the world. His final week was a bit lonely at first, until he saw Angel and Pere again in the House. When asked about what his experience has been this season, he mentioned that the House has taught him to be stronger, patient, know how to pick his words before responding, how to communicate better and many other positive things.

Cross’ final words to Biggie were also not different from what the other finalists said, as he thanked Big Brother for everything and most importantly, for changing his life positively.

It’s the Finale baby! Who’s getting the Shine Ya Eye crown tonight?

Live Show Finale: Whitemoney wins BBNaija Season 6

It’s been an incredible Big Brother Naija Shine Ya Eye season and with 26 Housemates fighting tooth and nail for the 90 million Naira at stake, the winner has finally emerged!

Here’s how it all went down tonight.

Whitemoney is the crowned winner

He came into the House excited about making it into the show after many failed attempts and tonight, he left with the grand prize. ‘Mazi’ carted away the 90 million Naira grand prize and was joined on stage by his excited fellow Housemates.

The lit performances

Starting off the Finale Live Show with a bang, Made Kuti took to the BBNaija stage with an opening performance of his Pan African single ‘Free Your Mind’. Also gracing the show tonight was our very own Avala from the Pepper Dem season and she performed her single, ‘No More’. Our Lockdown season winner Laycon brought all the heat on stage with his songs ‘Wagwan’ and ‘Verified’. Lojay and Ajebo Hustlers kept the crowd screaming to their hit songs, ‘Monalisa’ and ‘Pronto’.

Biggie addresses the chosen 6

Just before getting things going, Big Brother spoke to the finalists and enveloped them with encouraging words that left the Housemates screaming with joy.

He gave a big shoutout to Angel the real hot girl, Cross the life of the party, Emmanuel the Ultimate VPH and Mr. Africa, Liquorose the dancer extraordinaire, Pere wildcard turned finalist and resident General, and lastly Whitemoney, the resident chef and ‘Mazi’. “Housemates, go out there and shine like the stars that you are,” he said as he bade them farewell.

Emmanuel gets Evicted first

Emmanuel became the fifth runner up and as he joined Ebuka on stage, he revealed that he was shocked that he made it this far. When asked about his dalliance with Liquorose and why she told him she wished that she had dropped him in Week Two, Emmanuel claimed not to have heard.

What next for Emmanuel? Modelling, fashion, and he’s waiting to conquer the industry. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours.

Angel is the fourth runner up

Angel was the second Housemate to leave the show tonight and when asked why she was feeling excited even after not winning the 90 million, she replied, “I’m still going to be winning, periodt!”.

When asked about her situation with Cross and why they usually had their ‘on and off’ moments in the House, she said she likes him a lot, but she was trying not to get too attached. Answering the question of a possible relationship with him outside the House, she laughed and said she’ll think about it and doesn’t know yet because he’s not her only option.

What’s next for Angel? Starting her mental health blog, salon and spa, bringing her brother to live with her and starting her real estate business.

Cross leaves next

Cross became the third runner up tonight and revealed to Ebuka that he was feeling good because he wanted to come in second or third. “Angel is a darling, she’s amazing but I know she still wants to be doing some things, so I’ll let her keep doing her thing and I’ll keep following. I know she has a man somewhere around though,” he said when asked about his relationship with Angel. His favourite times in the House include the moment he walked in, winning the Supa Komando Task and being chosen as the House Deputy which took him straight to the Finale.

What’s next for Cross? Entertainment, business, politics and working on being the best version of himself.

Pere gets Evicted

Being the second runner up of the season, the resident general was asked if he had something to say to Maria on the stage, to which he said, “I love you”. He explained that he loves her as a person and loves his real-life girlfriend very much.

What’s next: Nollywood and of course music, “because he doesn’t want to let that voice go to waste,” he said.

And then there were two

Before the final two climbed the stage, Biggie addressed Liquorose and Whitemoney and asked that they exit the Shine Ya Eye House immediately. As tension filled the air, Whitemoney said hed like to go into business after the show, while Liquorose said she’ll be going into movies, music, business, release her book and of course, dance with her crew.

…And the winner is


The Live Show wouldn’t be complete without a premium honourable mention to the king of fashion himself, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu who gave us back-to-back looks from a suit to a glittering agbada, Mai Atafo sure came through with the Finale outfits. Who else agrees that his outfits need their own Instagram account?

There you have it, the BBNaija Season 6 Finale. Congratulations once again to Whitemoney!

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