Hey you! Finally, the weekend is here! A quick reminder – Your Ego has the ability to ruin a perfectly amazing opportunity to BUILD anything. What’s...
Today’s Quote of the Day is by Leke Alder. There is no ready made future. You build your future.
Hey You! Life is too short to stress over trivial things. Since the weekend is already knocking, take time off just to spoil yourself!
Today’s Quote of the Day is by Diddy. Take the time to be kind. It could make the difference in someone’s day.
Hey you! Do you honestly think you’ll enjoy the Sallah meat alone? Quick heads up. Keep your phones close as it’s the perfect day to BOND...
Hey You! It’s Monday and the beginning of a new work week. This also means it’s a great time and opportunity to start things on a...
Today’s Quote of the Day is by Wesley Snipes. You do not need to downgrade your accomplishments in order to remain humble. If you put the...
Hey You! The much anticipated weekend is finally here! Ahead of the Sallah celebrations, it’s important you remember to take out time to commend yourself for...
Hey you! The weekend is just around the corner which means time to finally rest, even if it’s for a few extra hours. Feeling frustrated if...
Hey You! It’s Wednesday and only a few more days to the weekend. Let’s talk about commitment. When it comes to honing your skill or improving...
Hey you! It’s another brand new day and the perfect time to take a pause and reflect on the things that steal your joy. Comparison is...
Hey you! Just in case you don’t feel like it’s worth the try probably because you have failed a dozen times, you need to know you...
Hi guys! As the world becomes more social and digitized, the spread of information becomes more easy. This is good. However, it also means that we’ll...
Happy Tuesday! Nothing happens unless something causes it; your dreams will remain dreams until you wake up and get to work. It’s not enough to think...
Hi guys! Happy New Week! Monday, being the first official working day of the week, is also symbolic for being the time to begin work. So,...
Hi guys! Focusing only on the rear mirror while driving is tantamount to a clarion call for disaster. If that is the case, why dwell in...
Happy New Week BellaNaijarians! How did the weekend go? Good? It’s a new week and we hope you are ready to smash your goals? An excuse,...
A few days ago, social media was awash with the story of a Nigerian woman who, despite the odds stacked against her, was able to graduate...
We love amazing testimonies and Solara‘s (@yeetgod) is one of them. She remains strong and confident even after a tragic fire incident when she was two...
Hi guys! It’s not enough to wish for the life you desire. You must create it if you want to experience it. In life, nothing just...
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