International Women’s Month is a time to celebrate and recognize women’s achievements, resilience, and contributions across Nigeria and Africa, particularly those who have been lending their...
Chichi Nworah‘s crime thriller “Shanty Town” and Inkblot Productions’ young adult series “Far From Home” were the most streamed Nollywood titles in Africa on Netflix. This...
… as Tobi Bakre Headlines This Africa Magic Original
Nollywood star Ini Edo and Chichi Nworah, the producer of Netflix’s crime thriller “Shanty Town,” sat with BellaNaija’s Lilian for an interview on the blockbuster. Ini...
If you haven’t yet watched “Shanty Town,” here’s a good opportunity to meet the cast of the new Netflix film that everyone has been talking about....
The stars of Netflix’s Nigerian crime thriller, Shanty Town, stepped out for the global premiere of the highly anticipated series. Created by the duo of Xavier...
Netflix has announced the release date for the six-part Nigerian crime thriller, “Shanty Town.” The Xavier Ighorodje and Chichi Nworah creation follows the story of three Lagos-based...
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