Marvel has premiered the first teaser for the much anticipated movie, “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever,” the sequel to “Black Panther.” The trailer kicks off with a...
“Life is so short you can’t waste even a day subscribing to what someone thinks you can do versus knowing what you can do.” – Virgil...
Being a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe over the past decade has made me develop an uncanny ability to deconstruct their rich storylines and extrapolate...
Marvel has just released the official trailer for Avengers: Endgame and 2019 couldn’t come any sooner! The upcoming film, part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, stars Robert...
After writing and directing the box office hit “Black Panther,” director Ryan Coogler has signed on to take the helms of the sequel. The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed...
A whole new cinematic wonder is upon us! Marvel threw movie lovers into a major frenzy with Tuesday’s release of the first trailer for Captain Marvel. The...
For its 10th anniversary, Marvel Studios has $1.25 million to help children impacted by serious illness, according to reports by Just Jared. According to their reports,...
While fans eagerly wait for a second installment of superhero movie “Black Panther,” Marvel has decided to whet their appetite with deleted scenes from the initial...
The trailer of Tom Brady transforming into Venom is finally here! The brand new trailer debuted during the CinemaCon 2018 Gala Opening Night Event on Monday,...
Last night, Marvel’s latest production Avengers: Infinity War which is set to hits theaters on April 27th premiered in Los Angeles. The event was attended by stars of...
If you’re a Marvel fan like us, then you are counting the days till April 27th when the new movie “Avengers: Infinity War” will hit cinemas....
With just a few weeks to the release of Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War, the character posters have been released. Featured in the new character posters are Robert Downey...
Fans of John Boyega can rejoice! The actor might just be playing a Marvel superhero in the near future. Boyega who already stars in the “Star Wars”...
The trailer for Marvel’s Deadpool 2 has been released and it is filled with more action and humor! After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria...
It seems Marvel blockbuster “Black Panther” isn’t taking a backseat anytime soon as it is breaking every record breakable! Twitter has just announced that the movie has...
Ladies and Gentleman, great news, it looks like we’ll be back in Wakanda in the nearest future! Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige made it known in an...
And the only way is up! There’s no stopping Marvel blockbuster “Black Panther” as it is poised to make $500 million domestically in its 3rd weekend...
One of the most anticipated movies of the year Black Panther will be released today worldwide and because it’s the first Black/Africa focused superhero movie by...
The second installment of Marvel‘s superhero movie Deadpool is set to hit cinemas this May and the producers have released yet another trailer, this one featuring...
Marvel‘s latest superhero movie, “Black Panther” is one of the most anticipated movies this year and has just gotten further credibility with the announcement that superstar...
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