In “Supacell,” a group of five ordinary Black individuals unexpectedly gain superpowers, each connected by a shared history of sickle cell. While the series dives into...
It’s official—the second season of the British sci-fi series “Supacell” is on its way. The creator of the series, Rapman (Andrew Onwubolu) has announced just today that...
Some social media reactions after watching “Supacell” had us laughing hard: Just finished Supacell and I have one question. Why doesn’t Dionne listen????? – Daniel The...
British-born actor Rayxia Ojo brings the daring and adventurous Sharleen to life in Netflix’s hit series, “Supacell.” Given Sharleen’s brush with danger involving Krazy, it’s surprising she still...
The British sci-fi series “Supacell” by Rapman (Andrew Onwubolu) has taken Netflix by storm, topping charts globally and holds a perfect 100% critic score on Rotten...
The Essence Festival 2024 was a perfect blend of culture, cinema, music, and community, leaving me eagerly anticipating next year's celebration.
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