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Take Charge Today! 5 Tips to Guide You in Reaching For Your Goals

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It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things. Leonardo da Vinci

There is a law of cause and effect which states that that every action you initiate sets into motion an equal effect in the world (i.e. every cause has an effect). In essence, nothing in life happens without a corresponding cause. If you stopped and thought about your life, have you taken any action that will generate a cause that takes you one step closer to your goals? The challenge with many people who desire a better life is that rather than take the necessary steps to ensure a better life, they spend time imagining and thinking about a better life. The even greater danger is in those who subconsciously substitute planning for taking action. Have you ever heard of analysis that leads to paralysis? These are those who take lots of time planning a better life without ever executing the plan.

If you want to see things happen in your life, then you have to take corresponding action. The corollary to this is that if you have been doing things and getting results that are not moving you forward, you have to take a step back and objectively determine what may be wrong. Maybe you are taking steps in the wrong direction or you are making very little progress that it is difficult to detect.

For you to make a success out of life, you have to get in the habit of taking action. A culture that encourages one to sit back and expect things to happen is one that cripples the progress of the people. You must be proactive and deliberate about your life. This means if there is something you don’t like about your life, take the necessary steps that will eventually break you out of the current unprogressive, mundane and iterative cycle of. For the most part, your life is currently the way it is because you have allowed it to be that way.

Albert Gray in his literary work The Common Denominator of Success said, “Successful people formed the habit of doing things that failures don’t like to do.” A failed life is typically a product of a lifestyle that does nothing. Have you ever stopped to think about the fact that everything you truly desire in life is just outside your comfort zone? The danger with living life within what’s comfortable is that it does not require taking action. All you have to do is sit within the bubble of what is comfortable, and you will float wherever the currents of life take you to.

Here are a few things that will guide you through the process of taking appropriate action.

  • Examine where you are currently versus where you need to be. This should be a quick self examination. It is not supposed to take too much time, rather you are candidly examining your life to determine how much progress you need to make. The end point of this is that you make a decision that you will actually attain to what you truly desire in life.
  • Act now! Yesterday was the best time to start, and today is the next best day. The natural response is to think that it is premature to take immediate action, but the truth is that there will never be perfect conditions for you to begin to take action. You have a set goal, as you go along you will have to make course corrections to ensure that you hit the “bull’s-eye”.
  • Embrace the law of momentum. An object in motion will require less energy to increase its pace when compared to a stationary object. Also it is much easier to stir a ship that is already in motion. As you work at the various areas of your life that need improvement, you will need to make turns, and there will be new opportunities that will come your way. However, since you are already taking necessary steps, you will be able to make the best of these opportunities that come your way. This beats sitting around and waiting for something to come your way. You’re pretty much grabbing life by the horns.
  • Focus. One challenge for many is that there are so many things that need “fixing”. However you can address each of the issues in bite sizes. Focus on the overall goal, and then on the one thing at the moment. It’s also important to note that you need to focus on keeping the right attitude. Be positive, be conscious and keep your enthusiasm up.
  • Be diligent. Persistence is a major key to achieving breakthrough. Diligence speaks of persistent application of oneself to accomplish a task. There will be obstacles and challenges along your way, but you must remain committed to getting what you want out of life. Think about a stonecutter hammering at a rock, he hammers ninety-nine times, but nothing seems to happen. On the one-hundredth blow, the stone cracks. He knows that it wasn’t the last blow that broke the stone, but all one hundred blows were responsible.

One final thing I will leave you with is to avoid the inspiration trap. Most people are waiting for inspiration before they act. The problem is that inspiration usually comes un-announced, and it can only take you so far. But you can set yourself in motion, working diligently towards your goal, and inspiration is sure to come along the way, giving you  a burst of energy that will propel you to the goal that you truly desire.

Now take action, and make it a great life!

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Moyo Mamora is a visionary leader and an insightful teacher of Biblical life principles. He is the author of Young & Purposeful: Discovering and fulfilling purpose early in life, and Power Points for Success. He has a personal goal to empower people to live a victorious life! He runs a personal blog at and you can connect on twitter @MoyoMamora, and facebook: moyomamoralive

Moyo Mamora has a personal goal to empower people to lead victorious lives! He is the author of Young & Purposeful: Discovering and fulfilling purpose early in life, and Power Points for Success. He runs a personal blog at You can connect on instagram @MoyoMamora, and facebook: @MoyoMamoraLive
