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Pop Star Dencia Pulls a Kanye West, Lashes Out about Criticism & Speaks on Her Success

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Dencia releases Promo Photos - October 2013 - BellaNaija - 035

♫ I am a grown woman, I can do whatever I want♫

If you step on Cameroonian pop star Dencia‘s high platform toes, she’s going to ROAR!

Twitter has been a blessing to us, as it gives us a closer medium to some of our favourite stars. When they are happy or sad, we get to know.

And when angry, most of them aren’t afraid to say it like they mean it.

American rap star Kanye West and Chris Brown are some of the stars known for using the platform to air what they don’t like said about them.

So…BellaNaijarians, here’s Dencia. The singer got angry about criticism which we are not sure where it originated from. But she did mention from blogs.

She took to Twitter to speak on her “haters” and her success story.

Dencia - Twitter - October 2013 - BellaNaijaDencia - Twitter - October 2013 - BellaNaija 02
