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BN Beauty: 5 Tips to Help You Take Picture-Perfect Passport Photographs

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Raise your hand if you have one of those cringe-worthy passports photographs! Yesterday, I found one from way back, and I had to laugh to keep from crying. My face was shining so bright and I ended up looking constipated when I tried to ‘smize’.

So I started to think; what are the little things we can do to ensure our passports not only come out great, but stop people from asking “Is this you?”.

1. Address the t-zone
The lighting on the camera used is usually not friendly, so it is important you take care of your T-zone. To find your T-zone, just imagine a big letter ‘T’ on your forehead i.e it goes from your forehead to your nose and chin. A light brush of loose powder across this area will take away any harsh shine and give your face a more subtle look.

2. Stay away from the highlighting kit
When it comes to taking photographs, you may feel the need to use more makeup to come off as more appealing, but don’t do this. Instead, tone your makeup down. Chances are the highlighting and/or contour will end up showing excessively when the images are processed and this will not make for a flattering passport photo.

3. Go light on your eyebrows
There are a few things worse than seeing the concealer highlight on your face in pictures, and this is no different in photos you actually want to use for official or travel documents.

When heading to get your passport taken, instead of going for very defined eyebrows, make it a little lighter so it still frames your face but doesn’t give off that harsh look. You can do this by creating your eyebrow normally, then going over it lightly with a powder brush with loose powder. This will tone down the colour of the brow and make it look more natural.

4. Use some blotting paper
Taking your passport photo can sometimes be nerve-wrecking, so take some blotting paper to wipe off the excess sweat and oil on your face. A quick dab here and there will go a long way to making sure you come out looking fabulous.

5. Relax
Nothing makes a picture perfect than when you take it while you are relaxed and comfortable. The camera doesn’t lie people, so that feeling of discomfort will show when the photos are printed.

The key for me is to go with a friend that always makes you smile and comfortable or drink some cool water; the chill will refresh you.


Got any tips on taking picture-perfect photos? Share them with us and the other BN Beauties. Stay beautiful.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime
